Saturday, February 22, 2025

How To Acquire Land while in Diaspora-New Cash Back Campaign

How To Acquire Land while in Diaspora-New Cash Back Campaign
How To Acquire Land while in Diaspora-New Cash Back Campaign

So you have heard about Optiven’s latest project. It’s in an amazing location, it’s right up your budget scope. It’s just what you’re looking for, and you plan to make a move on. However, you’re out of the country but you intend to approach the seller to make the purchase. How do you ensure you don’t miss out on this opportunity?

  1. Site Visit.

You have to make sure that what it is you’re buying exists. Find someone you can trust back home to book a Site visit and look at the property on your behalf, making sure it doesn’t have any visible disclaimers on site. ‘This Land is Not for Sale’ is one such disclaimer.

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Have them ask around the area, the locals probably know a thing or two about the plot. This is something you need to do thoroughly, as a first time investor.

  1. Ask your seller for the property details

If your satisfied with the ground report from your representative, next is to ask for a copy of the land title deed from the seller to conduct a land search, visit to the lands registry so as to do a search of the parcel you’re interested in. Historically it takes less than a week to get the results of the actual owner of the land and if there is any caveat or caution against the land.

Once you are satisfied with the search results as presented by your representative from the lands registry and the selling company’s registry, then you give the green light for your advocate to prepare an offer. The seller’s advocate should prepare an offer letter showing the details of the seller, their next of kin and purchaser, a description of the property on offer, and the proposed purchase price and modes of payment.

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  1. Sale Agreement Preparation

You’re ready to make a move on the property, as the buyer and the seller there is a need to ensure that the offer has both the terms and conditions included. So a Sale Agreement is made, It is normally drafted by the seller’s lawyer and presented to the you or your advocate for approval.

Upon the execution of the sales agreement, You pay the agreed deposit through your advocate to the seller’s account. If you settle the purchase at that point or you decide to take some time to finish payment whether through installments or financing by your bank.

You will only receive the Title Deed once and only once you’ve paid 100% of the purchase price.

Did you know, this October,  we’re honoring our shujaas, with a minimum deposit of KES 910K, you shall walk away with A SHOPPING VOUCHER or a KES 10K CASHBACK.

Invest Today!

Together inspiring possibilities.


Contact Optiven Group

Tel: 0715 399 468




How To Acquire Land while in Diaspora-New Cash Back Campaign


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