Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Gathering of Kenyans in Australia at West of Melbourne

The Gathering of Kenyans in Australia at West of Melbourne
The Gathering of Kenyans in Australia at West of Melbourne

Attending the KENAUS (Kenyans in Australia) gathering at the West of Melbourne on November 12th 2022 was heart warming. The Kenyan Australian Link organization was founded by Pastor Melphon and Esther Mayaka some decades ago.

Melphon was named in honor of the Australian midwife who did a splendid job to deliver him at Kisii Hospital Kenya some decades ago. The mother requested the midwife for a name for the lovely boy that was born and the midwife suggested Melbourne where she hailed from.

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I guess the registrar of birth certificate or nurse did not understand the accent with all it’s yaay or was poor in grammar so they ended up writing Melphon instead of Melbourne. Amazing that Melphon is in Melbourne fulfilling the purpose of his birth.

The speaker Pastor Steve Kamau humorously dissected the year in year out visit of Elkanah to Shiloh to illustrate the importance of consistency, commitment and continuity. It was interesting to note Prophet Samuel followed suit in the year in and year out discipline he learnt from his dad by going on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpah.

Listening to Pastor Steve was a reminder, rebuke and revival of sorts as I deliberated on disciplines that I need to keep going year in year out.

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I have woken up at 3am to pray, read scripture, reflect, and write year in and year out for many years. I have written devotionals for many years. For many years I attended the Holy Ghost Congress in December at RCCG Lagos Nigeria without fail. As far as I can remember, we have round-tabled at 7pm with my wife and children to share meal, catch up, bond and banter as Australians say.

Patterns, Protocols and Positions need consistency, continuity and commitment. One can get weary, question the point of year in year out affair but we were encouraged by Steve that benefits for showing up far outweigh a laissez-faire approach.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 says, “As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.”

As the evening progressed at KENAUS, the banter at our table became very vibrant. Pastor Sam Maina shared that the current Australian Ambassador to Kenya has a strong link to Nyandarua Kenya because the parents settled there at some point. This diplomat would certainly have a soft heart for KENAUS because the link is not far fetched.

My beautiful wife is a product of the Kenya Australia link. Her late father Aussie Walker who hailed from Perth left the comforts of Aussie, came to Kenya, settled, married my mother in law Bliss Mugaki and produced a succulent passion fruit in the person of Carole. My wife humorously shared challenges of growing up as mixed.

Hope one day KENAUS can gather Aussies that have formed strong link with Kenya. I am sure the banter in such a gathering would be quite exhilarating.

Have a lovely day further.

By Symon Kariuki/Diaspora Messenger Contributor
+61 491 093 825

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The Gathering of Kenyans in Australia at West of Melbourne

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