Friday, July 26, 2024

Esther Passaris Is Disappointed Raila Missed National Prayer Breakfast

Esther Passaris Is Disappointed Raila Missed National Prayer BreakfastNairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris on Wednesday expressed her disappointment over Raila Odinga’s move to miss the National Prayer Breakfast.

Speaking shortly before the event started, Passaris said the ODM leader has always been the embodiment of peace and reconciliation hence he ought to have been present at the function.

The comment came even as the theme for the 20th National Prayer Breakfast was  “Reconciliation”

“It’s sad that my party leader Raila Odinga won’t be attending today’s prayer breakfast. He is always on the path of reconciliation no matter how much wrong they do to him. Raila always wants the best for this country,” she said.

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Azimio leadership made up of Raila Odinga (ODM), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Martha Karua (Narc Kenya), Eugene Wamalwa (DAP-K) and George Wajackoyah (Roots Party) on Tuesday said they won’t attend this year breakfast.

In a joint statement, the coalition said:

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“If past events where we have shared platforms with Kenya Kwanza are to serve as a guide, Azimio is convinced that the National Prayer Breakfast does not offer the environment the country needs for humility before God, honesty with citizens and respect between leaders.”

“Instead, the event will dishonour God and country with displays of arrogance, superiority battles, false hopes to citizens and vitriolic posts even mischaracterisation and misinterpretation of intentions by well-known Kenya Kwanza leaders. We are therefore declining the invitation to the breakfast.”

Passaris was among the few Azimio leaders who ignored their party leaders’ position to attend the prayer meeting.

Others who attended are Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi, and Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo.

Kakamega Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda was also present at the prayer meeting.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti and Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o were also present.


Azimio Leaders Who Ignored Coalition Position to Attend National Prayer Breakfast

Azimio Leaders Who Ignored Coalition Position to Attend National Prayer BreakfastThe Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition principals on Tuesday announced that they will not attend the National Prayer Breakfast to be held Wednesday.

While explaining their reason for missing the event, the Azimio leadership, made up of Raila Odinga (ODM), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Martha Karua (Narc Kenya), Eugene Wamalwa (DAP-K) and George Wajackoyah (Roots Party), said:

“If past events where we have shared platforms with Kenya Kwanza are to serve as a guide, Azimio is convinced that the National Prayer Breakfast does not offer the environment the country needs for humility before God, honesty with citizens and respect between leaders,” Azimio said.

“Instead, the event will dishonour God and country with displays of arrogance, superiority battles, false hopes to citizens and vitriolic posts even mischaracterisation and misinterpretation of intentions by well-known Kenya Kwanza leaders. We are therefore declining the invitation to the breakfast.”

But despite the sharp criticism of this year’s event, some Azimio members attended the event.

They include Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi, Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo and Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris.

Kakamega Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda was also present at the prayer meeting.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti and Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o were also present.

The leaders actively participated in the function with Ole Lenku being among those who prayed at the function.

Maanzo on his part was the co-chair of the National Prayer Breakfast committee.

Elachi and Passaris were part of the parliamentary choir that sang for the attendees.



Sabina Chege’s Message to Azimio Principals After Missing National Prayer Breakfast

Sabina Chege's Message to Azimio Principals After Missing National Prayer Breakfast
Sabina Chege’s Message to Azimio Principals After Missing National Prayer Breakfast

Nominated MP Sabina Chege has asked the Azimio leadership to accept that they lost the election and the new leadership is already in place.

Speaking during the National Prayer Breakfast meeting on Wednesday, Chege said it is time for the country to move forward by accepting the will of God.

She said the Azimio team ought to work with the current regime for the betterment of the country and its people.

” Some of us in Azimio have chosen the path of reconciliation. I want to ask others to accept God’s will. It is important we accept the will of God and support the government of the day, not for ourselves but for the betterment of Kenya,” she said.

The remarks come a day after the Azimio coalition announced they will not be a party to this year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

Chege went on to explain why she opted to work with the Kenya Kwanza government citing a Swahili saying that “one who does not accept defeat is not a worthy competitor”.

On her looming removal as a deputy Minority whip at the National Assembly Chege asked the speaker Moses Wetang’ula to help through the challenge.

She went on to say she has done nothing wrong to warrant her removal adding what she did was think about Kenya first.

“The best thing I did was not to run away from them but just think bigger picture about Kenya. As they plan to remove me as Deputy minority whip Mr Speaker, I hope that you look at me with a better eye,” she said.

“There is nothing wrong I have done. The only thing I have done is to think about Kenya first and not myself. Hopefully Kenya is going to rise.”


Esther Passaris Is Disappointed Raila Missed National Prayer Breakfast

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