Thursday, January 30, 2025

Faith Builders: Discovering the Power of Faith in Everyday Living

Faith Builders: Discovering the Power of Faith in Everyday Living
Faith Builders: Discovering the Power of Faith in Everyday Living

THE WORD:  “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”  (Romans 10:17).  

THE POINT:  Faith is absolutely essential for living. If we don’t have faith, we can’t possibly live. God made that clear in Habakkuk 2:4, when He said, “the just shall live by faith.”

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We can be physically alive, make great achievements and amass large amounts of wealth, but that’s not living. At least, we won’t be living the quality of life that is found in God alone. Such a life is not contingent upon things or accomplishments. This kind of life—God’s life—requires faith! Faith in God results in the life of God. So, where does this kind of faith come from? Faith comes from God!

What is faith? Faith is the capacity to believe and receive. In Romans 12:3 we are told that God has given to every person a measure of faith. Faith is inherent in humanity. Therefore, all humans have the ability to exercise faith in God. God not only grants you the faith to trust Him, but also He grants you the grace to obey Him.

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THE APPLICATION:  So, how can you get this kind of faith? Faith is based on God’s Word. Thus, it is vitally important that you listen to God. As you hear God’s word for your life, God will cause faith to arise in your heart. When God tells you what He wants, you will know exactly how to trust Him. This should give you the motivation to trust God, because God has spoken!

Once you know what God’s Word says, you should be encouraged. Whatever God says, He is both willing and able to do, but you must exercise faith in Him that He will do it. You can be assured that His Spirit will bring it to pass.

How do you exercise faith? You take action steps in accordance with God’s directions and instructions. Take Noah, for example, who built an ark at God’s instruction in anticipation of the coming flood. Although it was a very long, hard project, eventually the awaited flood came. Noah and his family believed God, obeyed God and ultimately experienced the fruit of their labors.

Likewise, as you step out in faithful obedience to God’s Word, the Good Lord will most surely enable you to accomplish what is needed in your life. You can have confidence in Him. He will do it! So listen, believe and obey!

THE PRAYER:  “Thank you, Lord, for imparting Your Spirit to me. Now I can understand Your Word, the Holy Bible, and hear the voice of Your Spirit within me. Make me attentive to Your words in order that I might recognize Your voice. Your words give me assurance of Your will and motivate me to trust and obey You. As I hear the words of Your Spirit, let faith arise in my heart. Then cause me to step out by faith and follow Your Spirit’s guidance.”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

Faith Builders: Discovering the Power of Faith in Everyday Living

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