Thursday, September 19, 2024

Impact of Crumbling Foundations on Society: Marriage, Family, Jobs

 Impact of Crumbling Foundations on Society: Marriage, Family, Jobs
Impact of Crumbling Foundations on Society: Marriage, Family, Jobs

THE WORD:ย ย โ€œIf the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lordโ€™s throne is in Heaven . . . .โ€ย ย Psalm 11:3-4

THE POINT:ย ย We live in a timeย when foundations are being destroyed all around us. The foundations of marriage, family, job, retirement, economy, government, and even the world itself areย crumbling.ย Whatโ€™s a person to do?ย What hope is there for Godโ€™s people?ย The foundations of this old world are being destroyed, but there isย one foundationย that willย neverย be destroyed.

That foundation is the one that existed before the foundation of the worldโ€”Jesus Christ the solid rock.ย The only sure foundation is Jesus Christ the Lord!ย Jesus compared the foundations of this world to sand. He pointed out that when your life is built upon the shifting sand of this old world, it is sure to collapse under pressure.

However, Christ compared Himself to a solid rock that can never be shaken, no matter how bad things get. Christ is the one foundation that willย never crumble.ย He will never let you down.ย Now thatโ€™s a firm foundation!ย 

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THE APPLICATION:ย ย So what can you do as the foundations ofย your worldย begin to crumble? Remember, no matter what happens, God is still on His throne. So what does that mean? Godโ€™s throne is in the Heavenly realm, far beyond the reach of this temporal world. Thus, God is above and beyond His creation, and in no way affected by what happens in this world. God is eternalโ€”everlasting, whereas the world is temporalโ€”perishing. God is the sovereign ruler of His Universe. Therefore, He is inย complete controlย at all times.

The real question is, โ€œWhat foundation have you built your life upon?โ€ย If you have built your life upon the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are established on the firm foundation; you are in safe keeping regardless of what happens in the world. Psalm 11 begins with these words, โ€œIn the Lord put I my trust.โ€ It is one thing to trust the Lord Jesus Christ to comeย into your life,ย but quite another thing to entrust your life to Him asย your life.ย Putting your trust in the Lord meansย relying upon Christ to be your life.ย This involvesย giving your life to Christย so that He can live His lifeย through you. You mustย liveย in total and continuousย dependency upon Him.

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Onceย you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, then that settles it! Christ has becomeย the sure foundation upon which you live.ย Therefore, He is in complete control of your life, and He will get you through whatever comes your way. Things may get worse, and you mightย go through the fire, butย He will go through it with you.ย Regardless of what happens, you will remain safe and secure in Him.ย And thatโ€™s eternal security!

THE PRAYER:ย ย โ€œDear God, all of the human foundations are crumbling. There is nothing in this world upon which to depend. What hope is there for me? I know that You areย the Almighty Godโ€”unbreakable and unshakeable. Therefore, I will build my life upon You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being my firm foundation! Cause me to live in total dependency uponย You, so that I might remain steadfast and unmovable at all times.โ€

Byย Dr.ย Lewisย Gregory/

Impact of Crumbling Foundations on Society: Marriage, Family, Jobs

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