Q. Pastor Lewis, I know that God can do all things and even use anything or anyone for His purposes. But I wanna ask, CAN GOD USE A PHARAOH TO CORRECT (NOT PUNISH) A MOSES? If that Pharaoh hates God…
A. Mary, this is a significant question that requires a much bigger context and a rather lengthy explanation. Suffice it to say that God can, has and will use anything, anybody, anywhere to accomplish His divine purposes. Since God used a donkey to speak to the prophet Balaam, anything is possible with the Lord God Almighty.
The biblical record makes it clear that God has used leaders and individuals from all walks of life to achieve His higher purposes. God used one Pharaoh—a responsible leader—to allow Joseph to rescue and provide a safe place for the Israelites during a period of extreme global famine. Yet the next Pharaoh—a corrupt leader—made the Israelites slaves, which resulted in much hardship and oppression.
However, these hardships provided the motivation needed for the Israelites to return to their homeland. Keep in mind that there is not a direct correlation between how God dealt with the nation of Israel, which was the kingdom of God here on Earth, and other nations.
While God can and will work through all governing authorities, His purposes and methods may often be different from how He worked with the nation of Israel, which was an earthly kingdom (Romans 13). Jesus Christ came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven—a spiritual kingdom. The Lord Jesus Christ ushered in the new covenant of grace. Therefore, all people everywhere can now be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual kingdom, which is much better! Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you. You, as a spirit being, were designed by God to contain His Spirit. When you receive Christ, His Spirit enters into your spirit so that His Kingdom can now come on Earth even as it is in Heaven.
The source of this Heavenly Kingdom is God, who is eternal. God offers you eternal life in His eternal kingdom. His Kingdom cannot be destroyed or corrupted. This old world is passing away, but the Kingdom of Heaven is here to stay.
The Kingdom of Heaven is available to you now. When you invite King Jesus to come into your life, you become a part of the Heavenly Kingdom. Heaven comes down and glory fills your soul. Now you can enjoy Heaven on Earth! Hallelujah!
By Dr. Lewis Gregory/https://www.sourceministries.net/go/