Saturday, October 19, 2024

Elephants & Giants of Faith: Navigating Life’s Unpredictable Waves

Elephants & Giants of Faith: Navigating Life's Unpredictable Waves
Elephants & Giants of Faith: Navigating Life’s Unpredictable Waves

“By faith Abraham made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tentsโ€ฆ For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” โ€” Hebrews 11:9-10

Today, as we relaxed on the beautiful beaches of Cape Vidal, my wife Carole Kariuki, our daughter Erika Wairimu, and her husband Arnold Stone laid our Maasai blankets, ready to soak up the sun and unwind. But just as we settled, the tides began to rise, unexpectedly pushing the waters closer and closer. We moved our makeshift tent several times, thinking we had found safety, only to be caught off guard again as the waters soaked the edges of our blanket.

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This simple moment on the beach reminded us of the larger tides of lifeโ€”often unpredictable, yet always guided by Godโ€™s hand. Just like today, weโ€™ve had to pack up and move countless times in our journey. From letting go of property in South Africa, organizing garage sales, and preparing to move some of our things to Kenya, each step requires faith and trust. Every move holds its own set of intricaciesโ€”decisions about what to keep, what to release, and what to pass on.

As we packed up for the third time today on the beach, we reflected on Abraham, who pitched his tent time and again, always looking for the city with foundations built by God. In the same way, the tide of Godโ€™s call has moved us from Kenya to Botswana, from Botswana to South Africa, and now from South Africa to Australia. Each move, like todayโ€™s shifting tent, has taught us to embrace Godโ€™s movement, trusting that each step brings us closer to His purpose.

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โ€œEnlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.โ€ โ€” Isaiah 54:2
This journey has also taught us to stretch our capacity for faith and leadership. God has called us not just to move, but to enlarge our tentโ€”to expand our influence, mentor more leaders, and not hold back in the apostolic work He has placed before us. Each step of faith is an opportunity to strengthen the stakes of our leadership and reach more for His Kingdom.

Later, during our game drive, we encountered a herd of about 20 elephants triumphantly marching toward us. One enormous elephant sped up, giving us a moment of panicโ€”just like the tides, the giants in our lives often catch us off guard. My wife Carole was reminded of a similar encounter in a Kenyan game park when she was young. We had to retreat, reverse, and regroupโ€”just as we sometimes must when we face giants too big to slay head-on.

We also had an experience with another set of โ€œgiantsโ€โ€”the hippos of St Lucia. On our first day, we saw one hippo on the street, a sight that captivated us. Since then, weโ€™ve sat in the van each night, waiting for them to show up again, but to no avail. Today, however, we were in for a surpriseโ€”five hippos came out at once, an unforgettable sight! This reminds me that in life, sometimes we wait patiently for signs of movement, and just when we think nothing will happen, God reveals something far greater than we expected.

Life Lesson 1: Embrace the Movement of Godโ€™s Call

Like the rising tides, Godโ€™s call often moves us when we least expect it. We may think we are settled, but He reminds us that life is a journey. Whether letting go of property, holding a garage sale, or deciding which things to move to Kenya, each step in the journey is one of faith. Just as Abraham moved, looking for a city built by God, so must we keep moving, trusting that each step is leading us toward something greater. โ€œFor we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.โ€ โ€” 2 Corinthians 5:1

Life Lesson 2: Retreat, Reverse, Regroupโ€”But Never Give Up

Whether itโ€™s tides, elephants, or even political storms, life often requires us to retreat and regroup when challenges come our way. In leadership, as in life, moments of retreat do not mean defeatโ€”they are often opportunities to reverse and regroup before pressing on. Like David facing Goliath, sometimes the wisest step is to pause, reflect, and strategize for the next move. โ€œThe battle is not yours, but Godโ€™s.โ€ โ€” 2 Chronicles 20:15
Retreating is not giving up, and regrouping can lead to a stronger, more focused comeback.

Life Lesson 3: Leadership Is a Journey, Not a Destination

From spiritual parenting to leading apostolic schools, our journey has taught us that leadership is not about arriving but about continuously serving. As weโ€™ve hosted apostolic congresses, taught in apostolic and prophetic schools, and mentored leaders, weโ€™ve seen Godโ€™s hand shaping lives. Each of these moves is a reminder that we are not building for today but for eternity. โ€œUnless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.โ€ โ€” Psalm 127:1

Life Lesson 4: Build Beyond the Momentโ€”Toward Godโ€™s Eternal Plan

In every move, whether letting go of property in South Africa or packing up for Kenya, we are reminded that these earthly tents are temporary. Like Abraham, who pitched his tent but built altars wherever he went, we too build moments of worship and dedication in every stage of our journey. Each transition is more than just a move; itโ€™s an opportunity to honor God and look forward to His eternal city. โ€œFrom there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tentโ€ฆ There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.โ€ โ€” Genesis 12:8

Life Lesson 5: Obedience and Trust in Godโ€™s Timing

Abrahamโ€™s journey was one of obedience, often moving without knowing the full plan ahead. In our own lives, whether moving across countries or letting go of possessions, we have had to trust Godโ€™s timing, even when it felt uncertain. Each step of obedience has revealed Godโ€™s perfect plan, teaching us that the call to move is often a call to trust. โ€œBy faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. He went out, not knowing where he was going.โ€ โ€” Hebrews 11:8
This lesson reminds us that Godโ€™s timing is always perfect, even when we donโ€™t see the full picture. Moving, letting go, and transitioning are part of His divine design, and each act of obedience brings us closer to His promises.

So, where is God calling you to pitch your tent today? What giants are standing in your path? Just remember, whether itโ€™s tides, giants, or political upheaval, Godโ€™s purpose is leading you forward.

#TidesOfFaith #GiantsOfFaith #ApostolicJourney #SouthernAfrica #SpiritualParenting #RetreatRegroupRebuild #FaithInMotion #ServantLeadership #EternalFoundations #BuildingAltars #TrustAndObedience

By Apostle Symon Kariuki

Elephants & Giants of Faith: Navigating Life’s Unpredictable Waves

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