Sunday, October 27, 2024

LIBERATED LIVING: The Cross Is The Symbol Of Christian Liberty

LIBERATED LIVING: The Cross Is The Symbol Of Christian Liberty
LIBERATED LIVING: The Cross Is The Symbol Of Christian Liberty

THE WORD: “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

THE POINT:  Liberty comes from the Liberator. Jesus Christ is the great liberator! He provided for our liberty through His death upon the cross. The old rugged cross where Christ was crucified is our statue of liberty. The cross is the symbol of Christian liberty—true freedom.

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What were we liberated from? Jesus Christ liberated us from Satan’s dominion. We were slaves of the devil with an evil nature, but praise God, Christ made us free. Christ removed our evil nature and replaced it with His divine nature. Christ liberated us from bondage to sin so that we might walk in newness of life—His life.

It’s the Lord’s life that liberated us, but it is the Lord’s Spirit within us that enables us to experience His liberty. Once the Spirit of Christ is free to be Himself in us, then we will be free to be ourselves in Him. As a result we can enjoy liberated living!

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THE APPLICATION:  Therefore, you must allow the Spirit of the Lord to permeate your mind, will, emotions and body. How can you do that? The Apostle Paul gave us the answer in Romans 6:13 when he said you should yield yourself, as well as all the parts of your body, unto the Lord.

You must give God your spirit, soul and body. As you allow the Spirit of the Lord to occupy every area of your life, you will experience His liberty—the liberty of the Lord’s glorious presence. And when the Spirit of the Lord fills you with His presence, then you will have true liberty.

And then you will be free indeed—free to be yourself! And who is that? It is that unique, one of a kind person whom God has made you to be as a new creation in union with Christ. You are a beautiful new self—the best that you can be—as a new creature in the image of Christ! You are free from Satan, free from sin, and free from this world’s system. Finally, you are free to be all that God meant you to be. Now that’s true freedom and liberated living at its very best!

THE PRAYER:  “Oh God, I admit that I am a weak, frail human. Thank you for allowing me to be born of your Spirit so that I could be liberated from my sinful past. Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill every area of my life with your liberating presence. Cause me to walk in the liberty of my new life in Christ so that others can know this liberty too.”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

LIBERATED LIVING: The Cross Is The Symbol Of Christian Liberty

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