Saturday, November 23, 2024

Walking By Faith: Biblical faith require seeing with the eyes of faith

Walking By Faith: Biblical faith require seeing with the eyes of faith
Walking By Faith: Biblical faith require seeing with the eyes of faith

THE WORD:ย ย โ€œFor we walk by faith, not by sightโ€ย ย (2 Corinthians 5:7).

THE POINT:ย ย Life is often described as a walk. Perhaps that is because it must be taken one step at a time. Walking requires being able to see where we are going. This allows us to go in the right direction and avoid falling. However, unlike our natural walk, which is based on sight, the Christian walk must beย by faith.

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Faith? Yes, but not blind faith. We need biblical faith. The object of biblical faith must be God Himself. Although God is Spirit, invisible to the natural eye, upon receiving Christ, He gives us spiritual eyesight.

This occurs when weโ€™re born of the Spirit, so that our spirit is joined to Godโ€™s Spirit. At that moment we gain spiritual sensesโ€”spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. Jesus told His disciples, โ€œBlessed are your eyes because they see.โ€ Since we have spiritual eyesight we are able to see Him who is invisible. Thus, we can endure whatever comes our way (Hebrews 11:27).

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Biblical faith looks at the unseen realm of God rather than what is seen with the natural eye. Such faith enables us to rely upon the invisible God who knows all, sees all, and can do all. He alone knows what is best for us.

He alone knows theย bestย way to go and He alone can lead us in theย rightย direction. As we look to God, His Spirit will guide us. Therefore, biblical faith does require seeing . . . seeing with the eye of faith.

THE APPLICATION:ย ย What are you looking at? Stop trying to conduct your life by merely relying upon yourย limitedย human resources, your natural senses and your human intellect. As a child of God, you have been blessed withย superiorย resources. The Spirit of the Lord indwells you now, and nothing is too hard for Him!

Therefore, startย looking to Jesusโ€”the invisible, yet ever present Lord and Savior of your life. He is both the author and the finisher of your faith. He began the good work in you, and He will most surely bring it to pass. You can be assured that He will lead you in the path of righteousnessโ€”the right path for your life.

The Lord Jesus Christ is resident in you by His Spirit. Therefore,ย look throughย all the visible stuffย to the invisible Spirit of God within you.ย As you do, you will see Himย in the midstย of every circumstance of your life. Furthermore, He is readily available to you. He is an ever-present help in your time of need.

So, rely upon the Holy Spirit to order your steps. Trust Him to enable you to read the signs and recognize the impressions He gives you. Then, respond to His promptings and follow His leading. He will make a way, even when there appears to be no way. Simply trust Him one step at a time. And thatโ€™s walking by faith!

THE PRAYER:ย โ€œDear God, I am grateful that You have provided me with an entirely new way of walking. I am no longer dependent on my limited eyesight to conduct my life. Now I have access to your limitless perspective.

You see everything and You know everything. Therefore, I ask You to fill me with Your Spiritโ€”take complete control of my mind, will, emotions and body. Thank You for allowing me to walk by faith in dependance upon Your Spiritโ€™s enabling.โ€

Byย Dr.ย Lewisย Gregory/

Walking By Faith: Biblical faith require seeing with the eyes of faith

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