THE WORD: “For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:37-38
THE POINT: At Christmas season our thoughts turn to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and rightly so.
Jesus is the reason for the season! No Christ, no Christmas; it’s that simple. And yet the coming of Christ was not so simple. It required a miracle—a Divine conception, and Mary was the prime candidate.
Humanly, our Lord’s conception was impossible, but not so with God. Nothing is impossible with God! Mary concurred with the angel’s glorious promise and responded accordingly.
She humbled herself before the Lord, made herself available to the Lord, and then exercised faith in the Lord.
Mary described herself as “the handmaid of the Lord,” which indicated she submitted herself to the Lord as His servant.
She became an available vessel unto the Lord so that He could accomplish His Divine purpose. Then, Mary agreed with God by saying, “Be it unto me according to Your Word.” And the rest is History!
THE APPLICATION: Jesus was born just as God promised! What God says always comes to pass because whatever God says, He can and will do. Nothing is too hard for Him! God is still very much alive and at work in the world today.
But, where are the Mary’s of today—those men and women who will simply trust and obey the Lord? Would to God, we would all be like Mary.
We should be, and by the grace of God we can be like Mary! God is still looking for available vessels today.
He wants you to be a container of His Divine life so that His Spirit can indwell you. Then, as you allow His Spirit to work through you, Christ will be magnified in all you say and do.
Have you allowed Christ to come into your life? Are you allowing Christ to come forth through your life? Remember the words of Mary? They can be your words too.
Let your heartfelt response be that of Mary. Just tell the Lord, “Behold the servant of the Lord; be it unto me according to Your Word.” As you submit to the Lord, He will do the work through you!
THE PRAYER: “Oh God, too many things seem impossible to me. However, You are the almighty God, so nothing is impossible for You.
I think of the miracle of our Lord’s birth and I realize that all things are possible for You. Therefore, I trust you to make the impossible possible in my life.
So, as your servant, I submit to Your Word. Cause me to respond to You in instant obedience and then wait patiently upon You to accomplish the task.”
By Dr. Lewis Gregory/
God Uses what is Weak to Shame the Strong: Embracing Weakness