We will not allow gay relations within ACK-New Anglican Bishop: The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Archbishop elect Jackson Ole Sapit will not allow gay relations within the church.
Bishop, prophetess arrested for stealing Sh5.6 million to expel demons. A bishop and a prophetess have been charged with fraud for allegedly stealing Sh5.6 million from worshipers on the promise of exorcising demons.
Bishop reads adulterous pastors ‘The riot act': One bishop (name withheld) slept with his sister-in-law, and impregnated her. He then asked her to abort.
Elders of an evangelical church in Nakuru County are in a dilemma after their bishop left his pregnant wife and eloped with another woman.
The second woman happens to...
Kenyan APB, TEC PB Clash over Lent: TAC Bishop Rejected by Rome. All mainstream faiths have always opposed gay marriage, not because of a particular obsession with homosexuality
Pastor Mulani installed as New Bishop of DFI Church: Kenyans in Maryland congregated in Baltimore to witness the installation of the New Bishop of DFI Church.
Prophetic Column for Diaspora: A Letter to the Kenyans: More than any other time in history, Kenya desperately needs unfeigned Peace. The absence of peace means Kenya will