Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tag: business

Taking That Leap of Faith: Why It Is Important To Fail

Taking That Leap of Faith: Why It Is Important To Fail. A lot of us are afraid to fail. We believe it as a sign of weakness and can even come to regret ever taking that leap of faith.

Kenya among Africa’s 10 Most Business-F​riendly Countries

Kenya among Africa’s 10 Most Business-F​riendly Countries: The World Bank released its 2013 Doing Business report this week. The document ranks all the world’s nations on how

New Business in Kenya: Surrogate Mothers Renting a Womb

New Business in Kenya: Surrogate Mothers Renting a Womb. A surrogate mother speaks: I rented out my womb for Sh650,000. The well-to-do couple lived in Mombasa but had arranged the meeting

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