In life's journey, we inevitably encounter difficult roads that can leave us feeling lost and hopeless.
However, there is a guiding presence that can provide...
THE WORD:  “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son.” Galatians 4:4
THE POINT:  Timing is everything! If a car’s timing...
Africa welfare association: Helping diaspora Kenyans after loss of life: Africa Welfare Association (AWA), a nonprofit, is a pioneer provider of services to it’s Diaspora membersin the event of loss of life.
US-based Kenyan Singer Wokabi New Song Forgiven Inspired By Real Life: US-based Kenyan rapper and afrobeat artist Wakobi is riding with his new song 'Forgiven' inspired by real life.
The Power of Great things in Life: Thinking Great Thoughts: It is said that you are the product of the books you read, the company you keep and the thoughts you harbor.