Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeTagsWord of the Day

Tag: Word of the Day

Word of the Day: Faith in the New Year

Faith in Christ will keep us steady in the stormy sea of change. A couple was aboard on their boat as they prepared to...

Word of the Day: Jesus our Shepherd

At one point or another, we have been affected by depression, either our own or someone else’s. Some common signs and symptoms include feelings...

Word of the Day: Be Courageous – step out of our comfort zone

Word of the Day: Be Courageous - step out of our comfort zone. Courage is one thing you need if you want to get God’s work done because God has not given us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power

Word of the Day: Stand Up and Stand Out

A certain boy grew up as a pastor’s kid, (PK) and with such a label there was a greater expectation of him in being...

Word of the Day: Seek for Wisdom

A certain father decided with his 7 year old son that they would spend fifteen minutes every day searching for hidden treasure for a...

Word of the Day: An Impossible Challenge?

A pastor gave his congregation a challenge that seemed almost impossible to achieve. He challenged them to go for 21 days without complaining (the...

Inspiration:Act of being whole-Wholeness means not being broken

Inspiration:Act of being whole-Wholeness means not being broken: I have read this scripture many times, but every time I read it, and depending on where I am in my spiritual walk with the Lord

Word of the Day: Be a builder of relationships

Have you ever asked yourself if you leave people drained or refreshed? If someone spent the whole day with you, what will their report...

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