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Kenya and the U.S.: Confronting the Growing Challenge

Kenya and the U.S.: Confronting the Growing Challenge
Kenya and the U.S.: Confronting the Growing Challenge

Kenya: The Country and the U.S. – Meeting the Growing Challenge in East Africa

By Johnnie Carson
31 July 2009

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Kenya and the U.S.: Confronting the Growing Challenge
Washington, DC โ€” Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson’s remarks at the National Endowment for Democracy on Fri, 31 Jul 2009, in Washington, DC:

President Gershman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to be here today.

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As some of you know, I approach the subject of Kenya with a degree of passion. The four years I spent in Kenya were among some of the very best in my Foreign Service career.

It is hard not [to] love Kenya. Kenya has a lot going for it. The countryโ€™s natural beauty is almost unmatched in Africa.

The snow capped ridges of Mt. Kenya, the open savannah of the Masai Mara, the calm waters of Lake Victoria and the countryโ€™s stunning Indian Ocean beaches make it a paradise for those who love nature and the out doors.

But even richer than the beauty of the land is the character and quality of Kenyaโ€™s people. Kenyans are justly proud of their many accomplishments — Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Muthai, dozens of Olympic Medal holders, one of the highest literacy rates in Africa, over a dozen public and private universities, and the largest non-oil, non-mineral economy in Africa.

Kenyans have accomplished a great deal over the course of the more than six decades since Jomo Kenyatta, the countryโ€™s first president, published Facing Mount Kenya. Kenyatta and his generation were pioneers in the anti-colonialism struggle that led to the era of majority rule, greater economic opportunity for Africans and the promise of a better future for all of the countryโ€™s citizens. Kenya also established a high standard for post colonial race relations by welcoming the continued presence of whites and Asians — much as South Africa has done today.

As every person in this room knows well, Kenya has not always adhered to the democratic ideals and practical experience that guided its birth. And the current situation in Kenya highlights the countryโ€™s ongoing challenges to deepen its democracy and to make it meaningful to all of its citizens.

Seven years ago, while serving as Ambassador to Kenya, I witnessed the euphoria of the 2002 elections in that country, when current President Kibaki brought together a strong coalition of opposition parties to defeat the Kenya African National Union, which had ruled Kenya since independence, first as a one-party state, and later in a multiparty system. Many people thought President Moi would never leave, that KANU was invincible and that the opposition would never gain power in a peaceful and democratic election.

President Kibakiโ€™s overwhelming victory proved otherwise. It was a time of great promise and excitement with high hopes that Kenya had entered a new political and economic era.
Yet, five years later, in the last election, the progress that was achieved by the advocates and supporters of democracy was seriously derailed and nearly destroyed. With great dismay and disappointment, Kenyaโ€™s friends around the world watched as the Kenyan Election Commission lost control of the electoral process and the December 2007 elections turned into a bitter political brawl and another deeply flawed African election. The post election violence that erupted in January and February of 2008 remains etched in the minds of many people. 1500 Kenyans were killed and over 300,000 people were displaced from their homes.
Many people had hoped that Kenyaโ€™s 2007 presidential elections would cement Kenyaโ€™s democratic progress and would provide a solid foundation for the country to break out of its economic doldrums and begin to achieve some of its enormous economic potential.

Instead, the 2007 elections brought trade and commerce to a halt, polarized the country along regional and ethnic lines and for a brief moment nearly brought the country to the edge of civil war.

The Kenya situation underscores the fact that while democracy has made significant gains around Africa, it remains fragile and subject to easy reversal even in relatively strong states like Kenya.

Kenyaโ€™s democratic health and stability, as well as its economic vitality and success are important to the United States. Kenya continues to be our most significant strategic partner in East Africa. We have real security, economic, and political reasons for wanting Kenya and the rest of East African region to succeed and flourish.

Kenya has the regionโ€™s largest economy and is the engine for growth in the East African Community. It is an important transportation hub for all of its neighboring states, including most of the Eastern Congo, and it is a regional center for banking, industry, agriculture and telecommunications.

Nairobi is also the headquarters of the largest UN regional headquarters in the southern hemisphere and also the home of the largest U.S. embassy south of the Sahara.

Kenya also faces some major security challenges. It has a five hundred mile border with Africaโ€™s most volatile and unstable state — Somalia. Somaliaโ€™s ongoing instability has sent close to 300,000 Somali refugees across the border into Kenyaโ€™s northern frontier district. What happens in Kenya has repercussions throughout the region.

The after effects of Kenyaโ€™s post election violence โ€“ combined with the global financial crisis and the countryโ€™s ongoing series of droughts โ€“ have had a negative impact on Kenyaโ€™s economy.

Tourism revenue has decreased sharply over the past two years and demand for Kenyaโ€™s exports has dropped as a result of the global downturn. Kenyaโ€™s strong seven percent real GDP growth in 2007, the highest rate in 30 years, has declined to 1.7 percent in 2008 and in 2009, the outlook is not promising. Kenyaโ€™s relatively high population growth continues to outstrip and undermine its economic gains.

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan played a singularly important role in preventing Kenya from sliding over the brink into civil war and in ending the countryโ€™s Kenyaโ€™s post-election violence.

The elaborate political agreement that Kofi Annan forged with the two competing parties resulted in the creation of a coalition government. Although Kenyaโ€™s new coalition government has been in office since April 2008, the pace of the political reforms proposed by Kofi Annan under Agenda Item Four has been slow and uncertain.

Work by an expert committee to draft a new constitution is clearly underway but it remains to be seen whether the resulting draft will be accepted or rejected by Parliament or whether it will lead to another political crisis like the one that preceded the breakup of the first Kibaki coalition and which led to a highly contested constitutional referendum.

One area where the government has made some progress has been in the area of electoral reform. A new interim Election Commission has been established. It appears to be independent, well led and moving ahead in fulfilling its mandate. However, systemic electoral reform cannot be successfully completed until the countryโ€™s constitutional review process is passed through parliament.

Kenya also faces another big issue. It has to decide how it plans to deal with the individuals responsible for the violence that occurred after the 2007 presidential elections. Having identified the leading suspects, Kofi Annan gave the Kenyan Government two clear options. The Government could establish an independent court in Kenya to try the suspects or he would turn the names over to the ICC for investigation and prosecution. Although President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga favor the establishment of a local tribunal, the parliament has rejected this idea once and may do so again. Kofi Annan has decided not to wait for a second parliamentary debate on this issue and has now turned over the names of the post-election violence perpetrators to the ICC. Kenya still has a chance to handle this issue internally, but much will depend on what the parliament decides to do. In principle, the United States believes that it is better to have a local tribunal to try people who committed crimes in the community in which they were committed, but we also believe such crimes should not go unpunished.
In addition to the issues outlined by Kofi Annan, Kenya has four major impediments to putting its domestic house in order:
— Widespread corruption โ€“ which affects the countryโ€™s politics as well as its business life.
— A partisan political gridlock that views politics as a zero sum game; and
— Growing lawlessness among the police.

Let me say more โ€ฆ corruption is killing Kenya. Over the past two decades, Kenya has endured two mega corruption scandals โ€“ the Goldenburg scandal of the early 1990โ€™s in which nearly a billion dollars (one tenth of the countryโ€™s GDP at the time) was stolen and most recently in 2004 the Anglo Leasing scandal in which over a million dollars of government money was lost. During this same period, there have been dozens of lesser scams and scandals — many involving senior government officials and politicians — that have cost the Government of Kenya millions of dollars in taxpayer money. Under the watchful eye of Kenyaโ€™s long serving Attorney General โ€“ a man who has served loyally under President Kibaki and President Moi โ€“ not one, not one government official or serving politician has been successfully prosecuted for corruption in Kenya in two decades. Kenyaโ€™s six year old anti-corruption authority has demonstrated a similar success rate.

Kenyaโ€™s court system has also shown a willingness to play along with the Attorney Generalโ€™s style of politics. On the rare occasions when corruption cases are presented to the courts, they are thrown out on procedural grounds or are allowed to die in a sea of judicial bureaucracy. In Kenya, there is a saying that sums up the public attitudes towards the nationโ€™s courts: โ€œWhy hire a lawyer when you can buy a judge.โ€

Partisan Political Gridlock
The coalition government that was established following the post election violence has never really jelled or come together โ€“ despite the early good efforts of the country two top political leaders, President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga. From the beginning, they worked hard and earnestly tried. And although political leaders from the two main parties have sat beside one another in parliament and in the cabinet, they have for the most part not set aside their bitterness, their personal rivalries and their regional interests. Many of the key political and constitutional issues – such as devolution of power, the structure of the executive branch, and the reduction of presidential powers โ€“ still divide the countryโ€™s key political blocs and leaders.

Extrajudicial Killings
The rise of extrajudicial killings has also put a damper on reform and the work of civil society groups in Kenya. It has also contributed to the unease that some Kenyans feel about the countryโ€™s political institutions and the prospects for additional democratic progress. Over the past two years various human rights groups and political leaders estimate that hundreds of extrajudicial killings have taken place in Kenya — some of them carried out against civil society leaders investigating government corruption and police misconduct. Several leading politicians have accused elements inside the Kenyan police of being behind many of the killings and abductions. With parts of civil society intimidated and silenced, the number of Kenyans willing to speak out against corruption, judicial malfeasance, and partisan political gridlock diminishes.

Kenyaโ€™s prospects for renewed growth and ultimate prosperity will depend a lot on the successful implementation of the long-term measures set out in the Kofi Annan mediated accord. Kenyaโ€™s leaders need to endorse constitutional reform that meaningfully addresses contentious issues, including executive power, judicial and police reform and land issues.
We believe that police reform, from the top down, is crucial to restoring public confidence and combating systemic corruption, and that impunity for politically motivated violence and extrajudicial killings must be addressed seriously and swiftly.
Kenya has failed to harness its full potential and runs the serious risk of falling backwards rather than surging forward. With a young and highly educated population facing greater unemployment and economic hardship, increasing inequality between rich and poor Kenyans, and growing demands on a shrinking supply of arable land, the social and economic demands on the country will undermine its stability and long term growth prospects. Regional insecurity emanating from its neighbor to the north will also add to the countryโ€™s political and economic burden.
To pull the vast majority of Kenyans out of poverty and fully realize the countryโ€™s vast economic potential, Kenya must develop strong democratic institutions, honest government, transparent and accountable leaders and a judicial system that works. In Accra, President Obama was clear, Africa does not need strong men, it needs strong institutions. Only with strengthened institutions will it have the chance to resume its role as the regional economic engine of the East African Community and promote itself and the region as a market for trade and investment. Kenyan leaders must see strengthening of internal institutions for democratic governance, not as something which the U. S. desires, but as a necessary foundation for long-term, stable growth, to provide better education, health services, and increased food production for Kenyaโ€™s citizens. Kenyan politicians must also abandon the notion that politics is a zero sum game โ€” I win and you lose โ€“ and begin to make compromises and decisions that place the interest of the nation above their more narrow personal, partisan, and regional interests.
Secretary of State Clinton will visit Kenya on the occasion of the AGOA conference in early August. Although this is largely a trade and commercial event, she will use the occasion to reinforce the message that we view Kenya as an important and long standing regional partner. We value Kenyaโ€™s friendship and that we stand ready to help Kenya strengthen its democratic institutions, fight corruption, counter the rise in extrajudicial killings and to deal with some of its mounting socio-economic problems. As a friend, thatโ€™s what we should do, help. However, without improvement in these areas, Kenyaโ€™s ability to grow its economy and maintain its leadership in the front rank of African states will decline, and stability in the region will do so as well.

I will conclude where I began, with Kenyaโ€™s legacy in the struggle for independence and majority rule. Kenyaโ€™s struggle for majority rule was long and certainly often violent. Yet, at the end of the day, bold, courageous, political leadership by Kenyans brought about a national reconciliation that endured for decades. There is every reason to believe that once again, Kenyans can and will draw on this rich historical legacy of just reconciliation under the law and lead their country forward as an example, not only for Africa, but for the world. That is the objective of U.S. policy and we will be there to support Kenya with specific programs adapted to Kenyaโ€™s needs. Kenya is a magnificent country, a great friend of the United States, and its people deserve our support.

Again, thank you for allowing me to address you today. I look forward to hearing any comments or answering any questions you may have.

Railaโ€™s son linked to maize scam
Friday, 1st May 2009
By Peter Opiyo and Alex Ndegwa
Prime Minister Raila Odingaโ€™s name has been sucked into the controversy over a Sh3.6 billion maize scam and a parliamentary committee has recommended that his son, associates and personal assistant be investigated over the deal.
The PM was not absolved of blame either, with the report alleging that the Cabinetโ€™s Sub-Committee on Food Security that Raila chairs altered the tender specification to allow the highest bidder instead of the lowest. The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Lands and Natural Resources further recommends the sacking of Agriculture and Special Programmes Permanent Secretaries as well as the managing director of National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) Gideon Misoi to pave way for investigations.
The committee further recommends that the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) investigate maize import procurement process and establish the role played by the firms awarded contracts, particularly the link to importers and to establish whether they were registered in Kenya.
The Cabinet Sub-committee on Food Security, which the PM chaired, was singled out for investigation as it allegedly influenced the companies that tendered for imports. Others on the committee are the ministers for Finance, Special Programmes, Water and Agriculture.
The report, tabled by committee chairman and Naivasha MP John Mututho, says the sacking of the two PSs and NCPB chief should be speeded up to “allow investigation and subsequent criminal and/or civil proceedings against them as pertains the maize scam”.
The 77-page report, Report on Food Security Status and the Maize Shortage in the Country, and dated April 2009, further recommends that all Government agencies involved in the importation of maize โ€” NCPB, Kenya Bureau of Standards, Public HealthInspectorate and the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service โ€” be streamlined and appropriate measures put in place on the way they handle safety and quality of maize.
Tabled after Parliament approved Sh8.5 billion to import maize as part of the Sh26 billion budget on Wednesday, the report calls on the Ministry of Special Programmes to boost the capacity of the Strategic Grain Reserve Stores (SGRS) from three million to ten million bags.
Food insecurity
And to further cushion the country from food insecurity, the committee recommends that the SGRS diversifies the grains it stores and to make cash equivalent of 5 million 90kg bags at any one time.
On the release orders given by various ministries, individuals and agencies to NCPB, the report recommends further investigation to ascertain the release orders of 3.4 million bags between December, 2007 and October, 2008.
According to evidence adduced, the report says the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Food Security should be investigated on its role in maize importation.
“It is this same committee that made resolutions which led to very exaggerated import prices and the taxpayer must have lost Sh3.6 billion,” the report says.
It further calls for enhanced management of the emergency grain reserve and proposes the inclusion of PSs in the ministries of Livestock, Public Health and Co-operative Development. Currently, the membership of SGR includes PSs in the ministries of Agriculture, Special Programmes and Finance.
Expressing distrust with the Government over the distribution of relief food, the committee recommends that the Kenya Red Crossmanage the process. This is what donors have been insisting.
“The Government should stop distribution of famine relief, through the Provincial Administration, with immediate effect and distribute the same through the Kenya Red Cross or WFP; and just ensure a supervisory role,” says the report.
The committee also calls for the destruction of 6,254 metric tonnes of condemned maize lying at the port of Mombasa.
It appeals to KACC to investigate claims of fraud and loss of public funds in the importation of GMO maize as directed by Agriculture PS Romano Kiome.
“The maize being held at the Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd should be destroyed by Kenya Bureau of Standards in public and in the presence of the parliamentary committee and all relevant Government agencies,” the report says.
Hoarding detected
The committee summoned key Government officials, including Agriculture Minister William Ruto, and recommends that Mombasa Maize Millers be investigated for “hoarding in excess of 500,000 bags at the height of famine”, allegedly causing a maize shortage.
The ten-member committee received evidence from Mr Ruto, Dr Naomi Shaban (Special Programmes minister) and the managing director of NCPB.
Others grilled were managing directors of Kenya Bureau of Standards, Kenya Plant Health and Inspectorate Service (Kephis), Kenya Ports Authority and the chief executive officer of Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd as well as individuals.
The committee heard that maize flour prices increased suddenly because millers transferred the cost of maize to consumers. They bought a bag of maize at Sh2,300 instead of Sh1,700.
It is estimated that the country would have about eight million bags of maize held by farmers, traders, millers and NCPB, the report says.
The report also recommends investigation of maize millers to find out if they get high profits (104 per cent in maize and 214 per cent in wheat) at the expense of consumer prices.
Source-The Standard


Four Rift Valley MPs are not mincing their words over Wakiโ€™s secret envelope.
The legislators yesterday said should the Waki list be forwarded to the Hague Prime Minister Raila Odinga should be the main suspect.
They said Raila, who is the ODM leader, called for mass action to protest the disputed presidential results, which degenerated into violence.
Led by Konoin MP Dr Julius Kones, the MPs wondered why the Waki Report did not talk about people who led calls for mass action.
“Raila chaired the meetings calling for mass action countrywide and we wonder why he is not mentioned in the Waki Report,” Kones said.
Speaking in Ainamoi constituency during a funds drive, Kones said theywould not allow their leaders to be implicated in the “fabricated” report.
Kones said of 525 pages of the report, 25 focused on Rift Valley and yet the removal of the Kenya-Uganda Railway in Kibera was not mentioned.
Meanwhile, Finance Assistant Minister Oburu Odinga wants President Kibaki to compel Justice Philip Waki to hand over names in the controversial sealed envelope.
Oburu said the names of suspected perpetrators of post-election violence presented to former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan should be given to Kibaki.
The Bondo MP disagreed with colleagues from Central Province who demanded the Government gets back the names from Annan.
“We donโ€™t need to go abroad for the names. Waki has a copy,” he said.
Oburu was addressing mourners during the burial of Kariobangi ward councillor Japheth Orony Bonyo at Wagusu village in Bondo District, at the weekend.Nairobi Metropolitan Assistant minister Elizabeth Ongoro attended the burial. Oburu and Ongoro urged the ODM MPs to speak with one voice.
“The purpose of Waki commission was to identify the cause of the violence with the view of helping the country to heal,” said Ongoro.
Ongoro said it was wrong for some leaders to demand that suspected leaders who funded the violence should be tried at The Hague.
Source-The Standard



From the streets of London, to the pulpit

and now
From the streets of London, to the pulpit, book writer plans to visit USA to promote his book (see below).
Pastor Joseph Njuguna triumphantly launches his book
And true to the person he is, Pastor Joseph Njuguna, who was ably supported by his dear wife, Pastor Sophie Njuguna, did not let them down. He unveiled the book everyone was looking forward to read in a spectacular manner that bore all the hallmarks of an anointed ceremony. God’s promise to Pastor Njuguna was revealed when Saturday May 31, the day the book was launched, proved to be a day not like the rest. The weather was foul on Friday, the sun brightly shone on Saturday, while the foul weather returned on Sunday. What a blessing the Lord showered upon this function hosted by a servant of God!
The book was an instant best seller. People who attended the launch had to queue to buy it, and some were buying it in bulk to send to their various churches. One bought two copies so that should he misplace one, he still will have the โ€˜spare copy.โ€™ It is being retailed at ยฃ10.00 a copy, and according to Pastor Njuguna, the sale of the book will enable him to take free copies to prisoners all over the world. He is persuaded that his testimony, as contained in the book, will spur others to turn away from drugs, because it is possible with God. Pastor Njugunaโ€™s message to drug users is a simple one: โ€œToday I know God fills one with a high that’s higher than any drug.โ€ [Jesus Defeats Heroin โ€“ page 82]
We ask: With God, why do you need drugs? Get a copy of Jesus Defeats Heroin. It is a must read book. Do not be told about it. Ensure that you have a copy for your home library.
Pastor Joseph Njuguna will also be in USA for revival meetings in few City’s so if your in USA in the city’s below you can meet pastor Joe and Get your copy his contact in USA is 9783282778 or 9784215381 pls. order your copy, It’s a must read, also you can E-mail him at his Web is .
On the 15-06-2008 he will be preaching in
Apostle A. E. Sullivan, Jr.
Victory Outreach Church of the Living God
P.O. Box 1627,
South 12th & Magnolia Streets
Harrisburg, PA 17105-1627
(717) 213-9260
FAX: (717) 233-6970
On the 22-06-2008 he will be in
Christ is the Answer Church,
where pastor Wachira and his wife pastor Joanne Wachira are pastors
call pastor Wachira on 9788288322 for more information.
On the 29-06-2008 he will be in
Christ Harvesters Ministries International
562 Wylie Rd. Suite 6-12, Marrietta, Ga, 30067, USA
Phone: +1 678-581-9995
Fax: +1 678-581-9989
On the 3,6-June-2008 he will be in
The 18th Annual National Conference
Thursday, July 3 – Sunday, July 6, 2008
James Madison University,
Harrisonburg, VA
On the 9th to 13 of June 2008 he will be in
Universal Deliverance Ministries, Inc.
with Chief Apostle Naomi McCowan,
Venue Address
The Celebrity Centre International
5930 Franklin Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Web Addresses: Thanks for supporting the man of God.








What if Kenyans were bold enough to help organize and build a railway line and road to link up with this bridge that will be built in Djibouti to cross the Red Sea ? It is only 1,800 miles and it does not have to be finished overnight.
Can we rally East Africans in the diaspora to dream this big?








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Kenya and the U.S.: Confronting the Growing Challenge



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