Tuesday, March 4, 2025

US Ambassador to Kenya Scott Glation: A True Believer!

US Ambassador to Kenya Scott Glation: A True Believer!

US Ambassador to Kenya Scott Glation: A True Believer!Having grown up in Kijable, I knew Scott’s parents as people who not only believed in Christ, but who sought to practice that faith even when it is not popular or when it meant danger. His wife’s father, Pastor De’young, was a very good friend of my father. They worked hand in hand to preach Christ through radio (Biblia Husema Studios). They, together with Robert and Lilean Davis were pioneers of Christian Broadcasting in Kenya.

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Scott Glation coming to the US embassy in Kenya was indeed a blessing in diplomatic relationship between Kenya and the United States. This, especially given that Kenyans are wonderful Christian people who though struggling in many quarters strive to fight a good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race. It is sad that the Administration has frustrated the Ambassador’s faith to the point of no return.


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We who knew their heritage will miss J Scott Glation and His family. I pray that there will be more like him among us who profess Christ and his moral principles no matter the consequences. Christ said pick up your cross and follow me. Ambassador Glation has done just that! May he find peace in his next assignment while keeping the faith! Heko! His father on earth and in heaven will be proud!


By Teddy Njoroge Kamau, PhD, SYR/Radio/TV/ Director: International  Desk


US Ambassador to Kenya Scott Glation: A True Believer!



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