Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kenyan woman Margaret Nyamao dies while in labor in Dallas Texas

Kenyan woman Margaret Nyamao dies while in labor in Dallas Texas

It is with deep sorrow and regret to announce the sudden untimely death of Ms Margaret Nyamao who died while in labor at Parklands Hospital, Dallas, Texas on June 30th 2012. Unfortunately, after heroic measures doctors and nurses were unable to save her and the unborn baby.

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The late Margaret is survived by her 9 year old daughter, Jean Nathan, her husband, Nathan Magembe, her brother, Richard Nyamao, all of Dallas, Texas.

Family, friends and well wishers are meeting daily at 9350 Skillman Street Apt # 3305, Dallas TX, 75243 from 7pm for Prayers and funeral arrangements.

Details for the fundraising to help ship the remains home for burial are as follows:
Date and Time: Saturday July 14, 2012, 7.00 PM.
Venue: New Life SDA Church, 1000 Centennial Blvd, Richardson, TX 75081.
Memorial Service: Sunday July 15, 2012 at 4.00 PM, at New Life SDA Church.

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If you are out of town & out of state or can’t make it on 7/14/2012; The Bank Account Number is:
CHASE BANK #476968826

For details contact:
Elijah Magutu – 2146506338
Nathan Magembe – 9724649600
Nathan Mogaru – 8175016939
Innocent Nyaoko – 7133988007
James Machuma – 2142992354
Richard Nyamao – 2147722930
Mable Nyagate – 9725336153
Florence Mayore – 9727656464
Silas Momanyi-4692315185
Casmir Masega- 2147943534

Remember the family in prayers. May the Lord rest her soul in eternal peace.


Kenyan woman Margaret Nyamao dies while in labor in Dallas Texas

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