Friday, July 26, 2024

Message From God: Kenyan Politicians Responsible For Peaceful Elections 2013

Message From God: Kenyan Politicians Responsible For Peaceful Elections 2013

Message From God: Kenyan Politicians Responsible For Peaceful Elections 2013โ€œIf my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their landโ€(2nd chronicles 7: 14) .

By overseeing 2013 elections, God has sent me to pass this message to the government of Kenya that if only you can listen to what God is saying and obey, heโ€™s going to heal our country. for this to happen, the Kenyan politicians must bear in mind that they have been chosen by God to be leaders and that any authority they have comes from God. For that, they should not break the country through the campaigns but instead they should submit to the will of God by harmonizing people, preaching peace through campaign rallies and operate everything under the will of God. Responsive and Godly leadership deals with the affairs and welfare of the society.

For this reason, our political leaders must bear in mind that they are accountable to the public in their decision-making. Though, for a public leader to be responsible he must have the liberty to exercise powers conferred on him for the execution of his duties, this freedom must be guided by equity and fairness to avoid its misuse against the citizens.

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Regrettably, some of our political leaders have acted outside this norm, and consequently allowed their actions to impact negatively on public good. Reflecting On December 27, 2007, Kenya held local, parliamentary, and presidential elections.

Though, voting day itself was largely peaceful and orderly, serious irregularities occurred in the tabulation of results which led to over one thousand people dying and over three hundred thousand were displaced in the resulting violence.

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Godโ€™s work was abused whereby people took his responsibility to kill what he created with his hands and in his own image. Surprisingly some worship places were burnt down. In addition to that the humanitarian toll and the damage done to the integrity of Kenyaโ€™s political institutions, the crisis resulted in serious economic setbacks for Kenya and the surrounding region.

Take heed to Godโ€™s warning this time and do campaigns peacefully and change for the better, otherwise God is not happy and heโ€™s going to bring great punishment to whoever will get involved into unGodly act. Its only you politicians to assure Kenyans that everything will be ok even after the presidential election 2013.

It is important to emphasize that we cannot move forward as a nation unless there is a deliberate and concerted effort on the part of our leaders to see themselves accountable for their actions and inactions and implement policies that seek the welfare of the citizenry in Godly ways.

Can u you get along in life without eyes? Hands? Legs?, the head?, nose?, ears?, Of course, but you must make adjustments if you luck one of them. You must rely more on other senses and depend on friends for extra help.Regadless of what adjustment you make, however, your body will remain incomplete without one of its parts(1st Corinthian12:12-26). Every person in Kenya, poor or rich, literate or illiterate, my tribe or your tribe makes Kenya. Simply I am requesting every politician to preach UNITY among all tribes in Kenya resulting to a peaceful nation.

Samuel Muirani.

Message From God: Kenyan Politicians Responsible For Peaceful Elections 2013

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