Friday, March 14, 2025

Elections over, We are back to work!

Kijabe Kenya:Before the supreme court ruling that gave Uhuru Kenyatta a nod to become Kenya’s forth president, life in Kenya seemed to be in a stand still. All people were talking about was what if. What if there is a run-off. What if, what if, what if.

Kenyans in Nairobi and in any place where there is Television Sets, talked about the supreme Court. However, nobody knew how the 6 judges were going to rule. All there was, was speculation.

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Now that the nation is waiting for Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta to be sworn in as the fourth president of our Republic, life is normal. In fact it is so normal that while driving on one of our many rural roads, I spotted this donkey with its owner. ” We are back”, it seemed to say. Back to the buzzzys and misery of work. “Adam! Why, why did you have to sin.”  They seemed to ask. The cows which got the food had a different perspective. “Thank God they are back! We were getting hungry!”

As for me, “Thank God for the peaceful election and the now to be peaceful transition into the next generation of leadership”

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD), SYR Radio/TV. Director, International Desk.

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