“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” (2 Corinthians 5:20, NLT)
Many are being awakened to the fact that we were not called to be church members only, but kingdom children. We are Christ’s ambassadors and the time has come when we do not just talk about which church you attend, but which “kingdom” you represent. There is an urgency to be kingdom-minded. Are you being called out in this hour for a greater purpose, greater than yourself, greater than your knowledge or your power? And do you know it or do you think it is just you? Welcome to the club! There is an urgency that the Lord is putting in some saints in this hour; there is a power that is compelling them to pray without ceasing, pray deeper, pray strategically and from a position of authority. They are not only reading the word, but are researching the word more. They are not reading just books but specific books. There is an increased discernment that is being released to those that the Lord is speaking to intimately concerning what we should be expecting in this hour in the spiritual realm. So he has beckoning you to a greater intimacy, a longing that cannot be explained in human terms, a power driving you to reach the lost and heal the broken hearted? Do not dismiss the Holy Spirit or mistake him for another, for that is what he is doing in this hour. He is looking for a sensitive hearts, wants those who he will use to posses the gates of their cities, families, state and nations, and to be different and sensitive to him.
There is a cry that has reached the heart of God, and that is for his body, the Church, to arise and take their spiritual legal rightful place in the spirit. So he is dealing with certain souls that he has prepared for this event or season. The entire world is in a bad shape spiritually, which in turn has manifested itself in our economies. In recent weeks, the national news has been full of stories about hordes of American cities seeking debt relief in bankruptcy court. According to news, cities and counties inCalifornia,Pennsylvania,Alabama, andRhode Islandhave all sought debt relief in the bankruptcy court. Morality and law issues debates are heating up more than in any other years. Social life lifestyles patterns are changing for the worse. There is a gap in human interactions brought by the existence of modern social communication tools. I believe that even as they say in the sales and market industry that word of mouth is the best selling tool, human contact is very important and should also be encouraged in our society and not be replaced by meeting online. There is only one answer to the world today and the Answer is “Jesus”. Jesus walked on earth many years ago and gave his authority to his followers, the Christians.
The spirit of God is calling many at this hour back to our own prayer closets and in corporate prayer meetings. Nothing happens unless someone prayers. Prayer changes things as it moves the heart of God and his hand. Prayer puts the devil in his place, a place of constant defeat. Prayer exposes the tactics of the enemy, his plans and his progress. The devil plans over our cities, our children and nations can be aborted through prayer. Small home group prayer meetings are springing up. People are opening up their homes country wide for prayer. Please be part of what the Lord is doing on earth by finding a home prayer group near you, and start praying. If the Lord has been speaking to you to open up your home for prayer just do it, do not hastate, or procrastinate about it. If the Lord has been waking you up at certain hours that you never used to be up, just go ahead and obey. If he leads you to fasting or more fasting obey him and do so. We have no time to waste, there are souls going to hell unless we pray and get revelation knowledge on how to witness to them or even how to reach them. There are people dying prematurely that need to hear the good news about the hope that is in Christ Jesus. Something must be done and God is choosing you to do it. Step up and he will lead you and strengthen. Remember the Blood of Jesus has won victory for you. When he sends you, do not worry about being equipped. Most of us spend lots of time trying to equip ourselves, let the Lord equip you. When you step out, there is enough word and truth in you to start you off. Do not base your calling on the wisdom of man, but on the one who has called you. You are Christ’s ambassador to your family, neighborhood, city and nation. Be part of what the Bible says “Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives” (Jude 1:23, NLT).
Please if this message is talking to you and you do not know how to start a prayer group for your city, I encourage you to call me at 650-2245152 or e-mail at Isabella@vesselforhonor.org or even better come visit me on Tuesday Night at the Santa Teresa Hills Church 5370 Snell Avenue, San Jose CA 95123 at 7:30 PM. For more information about our ministry visit us on the web at www.vesselforhonor.org.
Hope to hear from you or see you soon. God bless you.
By Evangelist Isabella Mwango