Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Word of the week:Truth is a person

“Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live” (John 5:25)


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It is time for wining souls to the kingdom of God. The devil and all satanic angelic beings, satanic agents, powers, humanist, demonic powers and principalities have been and are being worn out by the prayers of the saints for the manifestations of the power of the son of God on earth. God has answered our prayers, so let us move in and occupy. We read in the Bible about three types of death:  spiritual death, eternal death and natural death. Natural death is separation of the body and soul. Spiritual death is separation of God and the soul, and eternal death is the separation of body and soul from God in the other world on the other side, after death. We see clearly that life is threefold. The first is natural life, which is the union of the soul and body. The second is spiritual life, which is the union of God and the soul, through faith and love.  The third is eternal life, which is the communion of the body and soul with God through a personal relationship with him.


God is speaking to us in this hour and he is saying “this is the hour”. We are living in an hour that he has set up for those that are spiritually dead to hear his voice. That means God is sending you and me to those in our neighborhoods, grocery stores, corporate places or wherever he has positioned you in daily interactions. When He commands and declares an hour for a specific reason, He surely has done the work and all He wants is for you and me to go and carry it out.

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Fellow bondservant of God, if we love people with the love of God, enough to make us very concerned about where they will spend eternity, then let us develop a holy anger towards the kingdom of darkness, the satanic kingdom that wants them to perish. Let us stand up for the truth and snatch them from the lake of fire. The hour has come that we must preach and they will hear the word of the Lord and live. This means that they will not die in their sins or die prematurely, but will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


There are many dead people around us, dead in their sins, drug addiction, immorality, alcoholism, or dead in their belief system. Many are in bondage serving Satan, knowingly and some unknowingly. Many are in bondage to self, while others are captives of the enemies’ lies; they do not know the truth. Some are in bondage to the law that snuffs the life and joy out of their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand up and tell them Jesus loves them and wants them to have eternal life. Let us help them learn the Bible and not just listen to other people’s messages. Let us teach truth, and really explain it, so they will not have trouble living it out. Stating our theological position without being able to defend it by reason from the whole counsel of the word of God is not enough to make them endure. Shallow teachings of the word lead to converts like the one Paul describes in Ephesians 4:14; they get led astray by every wind of doctrine. Let us hunger for sound doctrine, let us run away from wanting to get our ears tickled, but run to God for more so we can pour to the perishing.


How does one live by hearing the word? Luke 15:24 has the answer: “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.” This young man was dead spiritually, and was going to die naturally, but praise to God his spiritual understanding was awakened; he was able to compare where he was and where he could have been. Many that are in bondage of demonic sickness when they hear the word of God through you they will be healed. They will come to the Lord and live and not die.


Friend, this week go out and declare freedom to those that in captivity. Let us tell them that Jesus came to set them free. As we continue being sanctified by the truth, let us became the truth to those who are a round us. Truth is infectious, truth is contagious, and truth is visible. Truth is a person, Jesus Christ.


If you live in San José, California, please join us for our mid-week revival meetings every Tuesday night at the Santa Teresa Hill Church located at 5370 Snell Avenue. Also, you are invited to our next monthly breakfast meeting on April 13th at the Beverly Heritage Hotel.

For more on this meeting and other ministry information visit us at or call us at 650-224-5152.


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