Friday, March 14, 2025

Inspirational:Surely the Lord has been in this place

Traditional religious teachings and mindsets have taught us ideas and beliefs that have become a major hindrance to the move of God in our individual lives. As a consequence this has led to a hindrance of the move of God in the body of Christ in general.

We have been taught to look for certain actions and characters to approve what is of God and what is not. So we have been taught to major on the minor and minor on the major. We have been taught what God can say, how He says it, and what He cannot say. In reality we have lied to people by saying God has said when God did not speak. We spoke from experience and past revelation, and claimed that God had spoken to us regarding individuals, and not through the spirit of the living God. Remember the word of God to a person is powerful and must come to pass. However, the Lord is doing a new thing in our lives and our generation in this hour.

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We need to repent for lying from the pulpits, for claiming God said when He did not do so. We cannot experiences a fresh move unless we become open to the move of the Holy Spirit, without interjecting our own ideas and reasoning. Our God has no experience because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. On the other hand, we humans have experiences that change our lives, and modify our personality and the way we respond to things. In this hour God is saying to forget the former things. Do not look for revival of the 18th century in this century; look for the current generation revival. How God wants to reveal Himself to us in this hour cannot be dictated by us, but by letting Him be God of this hour. We need a now word.


Many a times we go through situations and circumstances that speak so loud to us about what God is doing, wants to do in us and through us, but we have created a reference points, or a pointer to what we expect. However, when this reference point does not conform to what we know, been taught either by experience or by past revelation, we get stuck and reject it, by simply labeling it ungodly. But if we become open to the move of God, we will know that God was even in the trials we are going through. He is speaking through what we are going through, so do not be offended by it and start cursing it. Do not curse your crisis because God is in it. Your crisis has an internal message for you.

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Haggai 2 says the old men wept while the young men rejoiced; there were mixed moods. One looked at their reference point, the former temple, which carried the Ark of the Covenant where the tablets with the Ten Commandments were laid. There was the inner court and outer court of the presence dwelt, holy of the holies dwelt. They compared it with what they knew. Solomon’s temple was classic, it had style; it spoke volumes it was detailed. The young generation will say it had a “label”. However, the new temple was simple. The young people did not know much about the old temple, built for God’s presence, but they knew the God who had delivered them from slavery.


That is where we are today. This generation is not looking for volumes and massive information about God. They are not looking for details, but just one thing that will propel them to the details about our God. All they want is the God who can deliver them from fear, addiction of various types, life’s struggles, and rejection and so on. This is a generation that knows nothing about the past movements; they cannot research on the holiness movement and many other movements. However, only one thing will cause them to get to that place of research and seeking and that is the now word of God that will set them free. They want to come to a place where God is a dear friend. Wherever God is, He comes to relieve the loneliness that we feel. And what higher spot can there be on earth for this than a house that is dedicated in His name, where His Word is taught in its truth and purity. Let us cry to God for what He says in his word, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” Let us be open to God to move in this generation, the way He wants to move. We can no longer dictate God. We can no longer claim we hear from him if our lives are messed up, his voice has the power to change, heal the broken hearted, comfort those that are in pain. May the Lord use this simple message to speak to your heart.


We cannot have revival by studying past revivals, those who God used to bring revivals were not seeking it. It came by way of an inner and deep seeking of God, where the Lord God gave them instructions on what they needed to do and they obeyed. Let us seek God with all our hearts, inquire of the Lord from our inner depths, and cry to him with a unique desperate sincerity. Him alone know who to reveal himself, carrying posters will not do it, condemning will not do it, but He alone knows and the answer is found at his feet on our knees.


Have blessed week, see you soon.

By Evangelist Isabella

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