After all is said and done, what will be your final words?Will your sentence start by; I’m sorry, I regret, I apologize, forgive me please or any of these disappointing phrases or will you raise your head up high, look at everyone straight in the eye and say-I’m glad did my best.
In everything that we do, no matter how great or small, there are three types of resources that we must make use of. These resources are Time, Energy and sometimes, Money. Now, here are the facts: – Time is precious, Energy is limited and Money is rare. This therefore only means one thing- It would be a shame to take any of these for granted.
In life, we find ourselves under certain responsibilities. Under something or a situation that all in the end, we have to be accountable for. Be it at your work place, at home, at school or even your career. In everything that you do,always find it in yourself to do your level best so that when we get to the end, no matter the final results, you will be proud to say; ” I put in all the hard work that I could”
Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…