Friday, March 14, 2025

Word of the Day: Do everything without complaining or arguing

Word of the Day: Do everything without complaining or arguing
Word of the Day: Do everything without complaining or arguing

Someone once said that when we see the same blessings every day, we eventually stop noticing them. When we stop noticing, we quit appreciating. When we quit appreciating, we stop being thankful and when we stop thanking we start a new trend: We start complaining.

Think back to the first time you received that phone call inviting you for a job interview and you getting the job. The joy inside you was clearly visible to all. But slowly we start being comfortable and stop noticing our blessings.

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We get to the point where all we do is complain about everything which could be the sugarless tea, being overworked or even the weather.

The cancer of a complaining spirit can undermine the spiritual and emotional health of an individual and can infect an entire group. Paul was clear to the Philippians to do everything without complaining.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites learnt a hard lesson when they were judged by God and were not allowed into the Promised Land because of complaining. Their children were the ones who got the opportunity to go to the Promised Land.

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How then can we learn to develop a thankful, positive attitude that will please the Lord? We should consistently ask God to help us stop complaining especially when things seem not to go our way.

Instead we should ask for a thankful heart for our different circumstances. Remember, the next time you feel like complaining, start counting your blessings one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done in your life.

“Do everything without complaining or arguing.”
Philippians 2:14



Word of the Day: Do everything without complaining or arguing

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