The word of God tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. When you give yourself over to fear, you are in the devil’s territory. There he will kill your peace and joy and then you will lose your faith and your fears will become manifestation.
This was what happened to Job when tragedy hit his life. Job was a fearful man and in the old covenant, this was a great disadvantage that is why we who are in the new covenant of Jesus Christ have a much better covenant. Job confessed that ‘the thing I greatly feared has come upon me.’ Since God is just, he allowed the devil to touch Job because Job was fearful and therefore, in the devil’s territory.
Do not give in to fear or worry as worry begets fear and fear, manifestation. Fear can affect your health and it will definitely attack your happiness. God is your father and he will meet your every need. Fear should have no place in your life.
“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you.”
Deuteronomy 3:22
Word of the Day:Be fearless-God Has not Given Us a Spirit of Fear