Dear honorable Member of Parliament for Gatundu South, Mr. Moses
Kuria. Receive warmest greetings from me in this city of brotherly love
also known as Philadelphia, United States. First and foremost, I wish to
congratulate you for cruising to Parliament as the first ever un-opposed
lawmaker under our new constitution.
Metaphorically and even literally, you are the only lawmaker under our new
constitution representing the president, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta; who happens
to be a native of Gatundu South. Your constituency has another symbolic
significance. It is home to the late first president Mzee Jommo Kenyatta. So
you are presidents MP.
Yet, the process through which you became MP remains alien
to democratic principles. The press insinuated that your fate was
predetermined by a presidential decree and behind the scenes
manipulation of democratic tenets.
Your challenger, Mr. Kiarie Kamere reluctantly bowed out of race citing his
respect for the president. I interpreted that to mean democratic principles
were compromised to accommodate you. Who knows? Maybe the people
of Gatundu South would have voted for you still by casting the ballot. But
somehow they were robbed opportunity to cast their ballot.
Either way, you are now the recognized MP for G.S. As my American
friends would say, the people of Gatundu South and Kenyans at large will
have to “suck it up” and live with you throughout your term of office.
Yet, it is concerning that National Cohesion and Integration Commission
(NCIC) and the Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) preferred charges of
ethnic hate and intolerance against you for alleged tribal chauvinism.
Though I do not know how the court will decide, based on court’s history
on subject matter, you are as good as a fee man. NCIC and our courts lack
audacity to annihilate ethnic intolerance.
More importantly, however, functions of your new office demands integrity
and professionalism. You can’t continue doing business the same way you
have been doing. Something has got to give. Guard your mouth and mind.
Disagree with those you dislike without demonizing them. After all, civil
disagreement is a precept enshrined in the constitution. Inculcate in your
mind principles of inclusivism and tolerance-bearing in mind we are one
people, one nation-tied together in one geographical location called Kenya.
Former US President John F. Kennedy once said, “Geography has made
us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us
partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so
joined together, let no man put asunder. What unites us is far greater than
what divides us.”
Perhaps you will find realism in knowing that what affects a resident of
Gatundu South is same as what affects the resident of Bondo. And that is
what you must articulate in parliament. Above all, shape yourself into a law
making and abiding MP not an embodiment of ethnic intolerance as you
have been portrayed in public sphere.
Recently, your body language and demeanor on NTV’s The Trend with
Larry Madowo betrayed you as a lawmaker. Although you have the
mandate, I must say I remain concerned. Instead of reconciling Kenyans
who support or oppose you, you vehemently defended your shortcomings.
You wouldn’t move an inch. You lost an opportunity to shed off your
hardcore stance and shape a lawmaker image which must promote
national unity.
I admit you have the ability to mobilize people. You are skilled albeit in a
non-conventional way. That is what sets you apart as Moses Kuria. Use
your skills positively for the good of the people of Gatundu South and
Kenyans at large. Instead of demolishing, construct. Instead of injuring,
heal. Instead of dividing, unite. Instead of manipulating, empower.
You will play a tremendous role in parliament and in Jubilee administration.
You will shape policies and politics of Kenya. The president will listen and
even implement some of your suggestions. Don’t abuse your proximity
to the president by infusing in his mind politics of hate and exclusivism. It
doesn’t matter whether one is a Luo, a Kikuyu, a Luhya or a Kalenjin, we
are one nation. I will be watching you. Good luck and God’s speed.
By Jacktone Ambuka, a Kenyan Residing And Working In Philadelphia, USA. Email: