Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Raila Congratulates Uhuru on ICC Win

Obasanjo Endorsement: Raila Declares Interest For African Union Job

Cord leader Raila Odinga has congratulated President Uhuru Kenyatta following a decision by ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to withdraw the charges against him at the International Criminal Court.

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Raila said the President’s personal triumph is also of great significance to the country.

“It is my hope that with this burden taken away, my brother, President Uhuru Kenyatta will now focus all his energies and attention on serving the people of Kenya to the best of his ability. I wish him well in this noble task.” Raila said.

Cord co-principal, Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula also congratulated Uhuru saying that this will now give the President ample time to execute his duties without dividing the nation.

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Wetang’ula also wished Deputy President Willima Ruto and his co-accused journalist Joshua Arap Sang all the best in their cases. He said he hoped that they will also receive fair judgement and be set free to discharge their duties in the country.


ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda earlier on Friday withdrew the charges against Uhuru  crimes against humanity during the 2007-8 post poll violence.  

The decision was made in light of a resolve by ICC judges on Wednesday, rejecting Bensouda’s request for a further adjournment on Uhuru’s case.  

Trial judges had also given the prosecutor one week to decide whether she would proceed with the case or withdraw the charges.  

“The evidence has not improved to such an extent that Mr Kenyatta’s alleged criminal responsibility can be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

 “For this reason, and in light of the Trial Chamber’s rejection of the Prosecution’s request for an adjournment until the Government of Kenya complies with its co-operation obligations under the Rome Statute, the Prosecution withdraws its charges,” the statement from Bensouda reads.  

The statement further says that Bensouda will not bring new charges against Uhuru at a later date stating that

Raila Congratulates Uhuru on ICC Win

Raila Congratulates Uhuru on ICC Win

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