Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Death Announcement Of Francis Nganga Kangethe

Death Announcement Of Francis Nganga Kangethe
Death Announcement Of Francis Nganga Kangethe
We regret to announce the death of Francis Nganga Kangethe of Ndumberi, Kiambu in Kenya. He was the husband to the late Salome Wanjiru and Beatrice Naisiae. He was the brother to Cecilia Mugure, Juliana Njoki, Isabella Wanjiru,Michael Gichang’iru, the late Hannah Wanjiku Charagu and John KInuthia.
He was father to Charles Mbugua, Lucy W Njenga, Tom Kinuthia, Julius Kimani (formerly of Cleveland OH), Hellen Maiga, Lillian Mugure of Worcester MA, Caroline Pereina, Joan Wangui, Sylvia Wairimu of Sydney Australia and not forgetting the late George Kangethe and Henry Kibue. Grandfather to Winnie Kimani, Vicky Kimani, Olivia Njeri Kihiu and Samuel Kuria all of USA amongst others. Uncle to Lucy Nganga, Kennedy Kiarie of Worcester, MA, Peter Mugo Gacuca of Maryland and Dr Patrick K Charagu of Canada amongst others.He is also survived by 5 great grand children.
 Friends and family in the US are meeting daily at 27 Sophia Dr, Worcester MA  for prayers and the memorial service on 4/12/15 at 5pm at the same venue.Prayers are also being held at His residence daily in Ndumberi.
The funeral service will be held on Wednesday 4/15/15,  at St Anne and Joakim Catholic church Karunga, followed by the burial at his farm in Ndumberi.
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”  Revelation 14:13.
     For more information please contact:
     Lillian Nganga @ 7742530539
     Lucy Nganga @5083733907
     David Kihiu  @ 5086157406

Death Announcement Of George Kinuthia Njuguna Formerly of Richmond VA


Death Announcement Of Francis Nganga Kangethe

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