Saturday, September 7, 2024

British MP Branded Coward for Cancelling Summer Trip to Kenya

British MP Branded Coward for Cancelling Summer Trip to Kenya
British MP Branded Coward for Cancelling Summer Trip to Kenya

A British MP has been accused of giving in to terrorism by cancelling his holiday plans to Kenya after the Friday Tunisia attack.

Nigel Farage, UK Independent Party leader told Sky News presenter Dermot Murnaghan on Sunday that his was a personal choice to avoid putting himself in harm’s way.

“Well I was going to go deep sea fishing way out in the Indian Ocean and of course Somalia is the bordering country and I just thought, do you know what, I don’t want to take the risk,” said the legislator.

The Friday attack in Tunisia left 38 people dead, majority of them Britons after a gunman opened fire at a popular beach hotel.

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Farage said Tunisia was one of the countries that appeared to be doing well after the Arab spring, adding that the attack was unfair to the country.

“…it may be desperately unfair to Tunisia but if your teenage daughter said to you, dad, I’m off to Tunisia with my mates for a week, what would you say? Well I’d say no,” said the party leader.

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Farage had written an article about the attack in The Mail on Sunday where he emphasised the threat that terrorism posses to Britons.

“I suspect tens of thousands of other British citizens will now be reviewing their travel plans for the summer as well,” he wrote.

He added that Britain ought to secure its borders against the entry of illegal immigrants.

“I have been arguing for some months in the European Parliament that the EU’s Common Asylum Policy is a terrible mistake. It sets the terms for who qualifies so broadly that it says to anyone in Africa: ‘If you come, you can stay.’” read Farage’s article on The Mail.

British MP Branded Coward for Cancelling Summer Trip to Kenya


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