Thursday, February 6, 2025

Harambee (Fundraiser ) to Build God’s House in Marietta Georgia

Rev. Dr. Joseph & Antoninah Wamutitu and the leadership of BEIC in Marietta Georgia,invites you to a Faith Legacy Fundraiser to raise money towards the purchase of land and construction of a Worship Center.

Harambee (Fundraiser ) to Build God’s House in Marietta Georgia
Harambee (Fundraiser ) to Build God’s House in Marietta Georgia

MISSION: To proclaim Christ to all and to empower all through God’s Word and Holistic Ministry.

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To establish authentic and relevant Christian  Comunity Churches where Christ is exalted and believers’ gifts are nurtured to serve the Church and the Comunity.

Join us every sunday on facebook, youtube or right here on our website for our sermon. click the link below to watch our previous sermons.

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Nusery services are available for babies ages 0-3 years old. we also have sunday classes for ages 3 and up.

“I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing.” — 2 Samuel 24:24.

7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7(NKJV).

1654 Bells Ferry Rd Marietta GA 30066

Tel: 404-775-1350


In July 2007, God stirred my wife, Antoninah, to start praying for revival and the healing of the Kenyan Community in Atlanta. As a result she approached some few ladies and they started praying all night every Friday in our basement. God orchestrated the first prayer meeting to be graced by the presence of Bishop William Tuimising of Deliverance Church and Grace Kariuki of Amazing Grace Ministries. My wife prayed all night every Friday. It did not matter whether she was alone or the number of people present. On few occasions she prayed all alone. She felt God was calling her to birth a revival and a movement that was going to bring healing to the Kenyan Community in Atlanta and release them to do great things for God. The attendance would be 1-6 people or at a peak night 8 people.

These prayer meetings were intense and the Spirit of the Lord ministered powerfully. For a whole year we groaned in our spirits seeking God’s visitation and the move of the Holy Spirit in the Community. Although the few people that joined us every Friday were from different churches we were united in our hunger for revival and for God to manifest His power in our midst. We did not know exactly what God was up to but He was surely up to something.

As we continued to pray every Friday in our basement God brought various Bishops and Pastors who sensed the call of God and the need to start a Church in Atlanta. Independently they all confirmed that this call although we were very reluctant (I must confess my wife was ahead of me in this one). This was confirmed by many witnesses at different times. We therefore decided to continue to pray and wait upon God not knowing what His purpose for our lives was. At this time I was working on my Ph.D. Dissertation and was not in a rush to make any move. One thing was clear however, we wanted a Holy Ghost move of God in the Kenyan Community and beyond.

Harambee (Fundraiser ) to Build God’s House in Marietta Georgia


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