Thursday, February 13, 2025

Re-writing your life story-You have power over your life’s story

She stood by the door unsure if she should ring the bell to come in for her appointment or just walk away. The voices telling her how much she had messed up in life were flooding her ears, but she was determined to give life one more chance. She had nothing to loose as she had gone from being depressed and abusing medical drugs into illegal drugs. Homeless with nowhere to go, not wanted by her own parents and her siblings, she needed to try talking to someone. Her fear of her life story kept her at the door fighting the voices. Finally she rang the bell and as soon as the door swung open she was quick to apologize for coming and asked if it was ok for her to come in. Unsure where she could be told to sit, she stood next to an empty chair and waited for her next instructions. Her painful life story had defined her, she was known by her painful experiences but on this day she was determined to be free of her life story.

All of us have a story about our lives. Your life’s story has power over you and you also have power over your life’s story. These stories about our lives come from what we have been through, our experiences, who we have been connected with, our environment and even our upbringing. We’ve all had experiences that have negatively influenced us and have produced painful memories that constantly plague our minds. As a result of these experiences, little voices have developed around us and in our minds that follow us each day. These voices work with the powers of darkness to possess and control minds through constant negative messages of hopelessness, fear, doubt, shame, inadequacy, and discouragement.

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The devil uses these past negative experiences to keep you and I coiled and hidden into. He wants us to throw our hands in the air and give up, quit life and live our lives by the his story. Your life story can change you or you can be changed by your life story. Your life story might be that of defeat after defeat, may be you have lived from pay check to pay check, gone through divorce, cheated on or abandoned by people who have walked away from you. Your life story might be your children did not turn out the way you expected and even prayed that they should, your life story might be that you lost everything, or you are currently going through insurmountable challenges with your life, career, your children, or you are struggling with addiction and the voices in your keep telling you that your life is over and you should just die.

Everyone in life has a story and your life story may not be as unique because there is someone out there that has a similar story and they have managed to turn around their story by embracing God’s story over their lives. Your life story is not God’s story over your live. We are living out stories that are different than what we had dreamed about. We all have areas of our lives that are plagued with internal disappointments, fear, or shame.
No matter where you are in life, God’s desires for you is not just a better version of what you currently have or going through. He wants to rewrite your life story.
God wants you to exchange your life story with his life story over your life. In the book of John chapter 4, Jesus meets a woman at the well who is only known as the Samaritan women or the woman at the well. It is very human for people to identify you by your problem or by your struggles but God does not do so. He calls you His own, His beloved even when you think that you have messed up so bad, He still calls you back to Himself. Jesus re-writes this woman’s story. He first connects with her pain by asking her for water; this story was not about Jesus wanting water, but Jesus rewriting her story from shame to the t first women evangelist. She shows up in the same city where she had lived in shame and a terrible life story hanging over her head with good news. Her life story had defined her, her life story was her identity and for many years she had carried herself according to her story.

But Jesus rewrote her life story. Those who mocked her must have wondered with dropped jaws on what had happened. What is your current life story and what has the devil and even people have said about your life story?.
Abraham had a life story. He had no child but God changed his life story. Hannah had a life story and was known as the barren woman. Her co-wife mocked and teased her about her life story but God changed her life story and gave her a child. Rehab the woman who welcomed the spies in Jericho had a life story but God changed her life story. Paul had a life story, but God changed his life story.

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Your story does not change you till you embrace God’s given story over your life.
Exchange God story about you for your story. As you read this newsletter, I want you to pick yourself up and ask God to re-write your story. You may have been Judged and misjudged because of your life story. You may be feeling ashamed and embarrassed. You may have accepted your status quo, and are walking with your head down. Rise up child of God, God has a better life story for you. One that says you are blessed, you are loved, you are the head and not the tail, you are an overcomer. Your life will never be satisfying until you know whom God created. So drop your life story that has kept you down and unsuccessful and embrace God’s story over your life. Get rid of those things or people that remind you of your painful life story. Identify those thought patterns that remind you of your painful life story and be renewed in your mind by the shed blood of Jesus. God wants you to exchange your story with the story He has for you.
You are God’s image bearer, which means you have the potential to accomplish great things and to conquer the earth.

Till next week ~~~Isabella Mwango Nyakundi., Email: Tel :408-8336456.

Re-writing your life story-You have power over your life’s story

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