Thursday, March 13, 2025

FLIP IT in Prayer: Spiritual Warfare – FLIP IT by STANDING

FLIP IT in Prayer: Spiritual Warfare - FLIP IT by STANDING
FLIP IT in Prayer: Spiritual Warfare – FLIP IT by STANDING

FLIP IT! When faced with adversities, sudden emergencies, uncertainties of life, sudden bad news, anxiety or fear. I am learning that the first reaction is to turn the presenting negative situation to positive by declaring the Word of God and taking positive productive steps on the situation; FLIP IT! Doing this as Believer, is in itself a type of spiritual warfare that dictates our thoughts, emotions, reactions and actions!

 FLIP IT by Turning to PRAYER- Isaiah 38:1-5, 2 Kings 20:1-6-When King Hezekiah was told that he was going to die from an illness, his first reaction was a turn towards the wall and prayer. He FLIPPED the bad news by refusing to accept it and sort God for mercy in prayer. God healed King Hezekiah and extended 15 more years of good health and life to him. Prior to this, King Hezekiah had been threatened by another nation that blasphemed God and wanted to wage war with the King. This time King Hezekiah received the letter, read it and went and spread the letter before the Lord in prayer. Because of his prayer, the Lord sent His Own Angel to fight the Assyrians. The Lord also restored Hezekiah’s kingdom. 2 Kings 19. Here again Hezekiah FLIPPED IT!

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FLIP IT by ENCOURAGING YOURSELF IN THE LORD. Why so down cast oh my soul put your hope in God! This may have been the song David was singing after the attack at Ziklag. Though weary, tied and emotionally drained; David strengthened himself in the Lord; HE FLIPPED IT. 1 Samuel 30. You may have been in a long warfare, waiting, endurance or life draining situation. Funga ukanda (Swahili for fasten your belt), guard up your loins, shake off the dust, gear up, stand up. Greater is in you that he that it in the world.

FLIP IT by CONFESSING THE GOD’S PROMISES AND WORD concerning the situation. The Word of God is Life and is also Alive John 1;1. God’s Word ALWAYS contradicts every negative issue. Where cannot, the Word brings CAN, where sickness is, the Word brings HEALING, where bondage is, the Word brings DELIVERANCE, where sin is, the Word bring forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus and through mercy and grace. Where impossibilities deem, the Word brings ALL POSSIBILITIES.

FLIP IT by TRUSTING IN THE LORD- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight yet paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. Flip it by turning your trust from man, friend, resources, mentor, pastor to GOD. Flip my trusting the Creator of all and not His creation. Trust through persistent faith even if that faith is that of a mustard seed, it can still move the mountains and the situations. Flip it by leaning on His everlasting arms.

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FLIP IT by WAITING UPON THE LORD- They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, Isaiah 40:31. We wait in thanksgiving, worship and praise. We wait while still pushing and pursuing, focused on our Delivered. We wait as we stay consistent in whatever assignment or calling He has assigned us, avoiding any distractions. We wait in the Spirit and not by our flesh.

 FLIP IT by STANDING- And after you have done all then STAND-Ephesians 6:13-14 knowing that you have the full armor of God. Flip it by standing on the Unshakable Rock who is Greater in you than the situation you are facing. Flip it knowing the Right Hand of the Lord is doing valiant on your behalf.

So this week, FLIP IT in prayer, flip it by encouraging yourself, flip it as we speak the Words of Life, His Words, Speak His promises, when we confess, salvation comes. Flip it as WE PUT ALL OUR TRUST IN THE LORD. Flip it as we wait in thanksgiving and praise. Finally Flip it by standing, staying tied and hooked on Christ the Solid Rock. Not by might nor by power BUT BY MY SPIRIT says the Lord of hosts, Zechariah 4:6. Be Encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.

Author Pauline Adongo

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FLIP IT in Prayer: Spiritual Warfare – FLIP IT by STANDING

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