Monday, March 3, 2025

Moses Kuria attacks Raila for breaking lunch promises

Cord leader Raila Odinga chats with Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria during their 'peace'lunch at Ranalo restaurant in Nairobi, June 21, 2016. Photo/COLLINS KWEYU

Barely two weeks after enjoying ugali, osuga and fish with Raila Odinga, Moses Kuria has accused him of not honouring an agreement they reached.

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Opposition leader Raila had lunch with Kuria , who is Gatundu South MP, and the leaders who were arrested and detained over hate speech.

The MP had said he would use the opportunity to thank the Cord leader for forgiving him for alluding to a plot for his assassination .

Kuria said they agreed to launch peace caravans across the country and that political matters would not feature at the rallies.

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But he said on Sunday: “Barely two weeks after agreeing to uphold our deal, he (Raila) has started using the caravans to campaign and attack Jubilee. That is why I always say he is the only impediment to this country’s peace.”

“He recently went to Mombasa, Kakamega and Kisii but instead of uniting Kenyans as we had concurred, he was at his best campaigning for Cord. He has clearly shown he is not for peace in this country.”

He spoke at Africa Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa during Deputy President William Ruto launch of Ruiru Deanery Sacco.

The MP said that during their detention at Pangani police station, MPs Ferdinand Waititu (Kabete), Junet Mohamed (Suna East), Timothy Bosire (Kitutu Masaba) and Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati) promised to join the peace initiative.

The Kabete MP and Kitutu Masaba’s Timothy Bosire missed the lunch.

Waititu said the youth meetings Raila has been holding should be investigated as they might result in riots.

He said Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery warned that Cord leaders are “planning something” and that it seems the meetings have a hidden agenda”.

“I am not saying it is wrong to meet but I am insisting they should make the agenda of the meetings clear to Kenyans,” he said.

The MPs said they will soldier on in preaching peace and maintained politics will not be discussed.

“The hard time we had in the police cells made us realise how important peace is. Hate speech is a thing of the past now. We want peace in our nation especially now that we are headed towards elections,” Waititu said.

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