Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Kenyan arrested in Saudi Arabia for playing Christmas Songs

Despite it globally being known that the celebration of Christmas is banned in Saudi Arabia, as well as other Arab countries–7 Africans living in Saudi have found themselves in trouble for slightly celebrating Christmas this year.
Associated Press reports that 4 Nigerians, 2 Ghanaians and 1 Kenyan who all work as domestic workers in Saudi Arabia have been arrested by police for playing Christmas songs on their mobile phones.
Apparently, the Africans were stopped randomly when the police saw them with earphones stuck to their ears–and found out that they’ve been playing carols.
The Africans face up to 10 years in jail–a punishment the Kingdom introduced last year for anyone who celebrates Christmas within its jurisdiction.
Singing a Christmas Carol or playing any will fetch you 1000 lashes – so would just wishing a friend or a family Merry Christmas, even if you are heard doing so on the phone.

Amnesty International has as usual condemned this, “it amounts to gross human rights violation.”
But considering the fact that Saudi Arabia, despite its numerous human rights violations, continues to be America’s good friend – they are not bothered about any sort of condemnation.

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Human Rights Watch has called the Christmas ban insane and ridiculous, but then, these two words are synonymous to Saudi Arabia – so that’s nothing new.

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