Deputy President William Ruto has returned a traditional regalia, locally known as Sambut, which was used to crown him as a Tugen elder.
This is after the owner of the ‘monkey skin’ Kimitei Kiplagat, 93, demanded it back, saying he wasn’t consulted as an elder.
The DP was installed on May 24 in a colourful ceremony by 20 elders from Lembus- Kwen ward in Eldama Ravine sub-county.
However, the Tugen Council of elders rubbished the event saying they were not consulted.
“According to Tugen culture, it is a taboo to return back a garment or any other item after crowning someone…it automatically means the entire process has been revoked or rendered invalid” Tugen elder Joseph Noti from Salawa, Baringo Central Sub-county told the Star on Monday.
The Tugen’s Miot Council of elders Secretary Reverend Zachariah Chirchir blamed “unofficial elders” for embarrassing the DP.
He urged the said elders to apologize to the DP Ruto accusing them of ashaming the entire community.
‘I wish I was consulted so I could advise accordingly…but I have got no grudge against anybody as long as I have finally received back my lost garment’ delighted Kimitei said after getting hold of his anointing clothe on Saturday evening.
The return of the regalia was not only a sigh of relief to Kimitei but other village elders.
The cloth as revealed was the only one in the area used during traditional ceremonies.
William Chebet, who is a son of the elderly man said they are happy to have had back the regalia and warned of anyone tarnishing his father’s name.