Friday, July 26, 2024

Slay queen killing me with porn – Governor Anyang Nyong’o

Kisumu governor Prof Anyang Nyong’o says he endured many sleepless nights courtesy of a beautiful woman who kept tormenting him with nude photos.

He disclosed that the woman, who remains unknown to him, would send explicit photos and raunchy messages, especially at night, via WhatsApp.

“I never gave her my number. I even don’t know who she is, yet she kept tormenting me at night with love messages,” Nyong’o complained.

When the circus became unbearable, the governor reported the number to the police. “I blocked her number, but after a few months, she resurfaced with her rude and nude pictures and romantic messages,’’ he explained.

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“However, the police never got back to me on their findings, so I don’t know if they inherited her,’’ he quipped with a chuckle while addressing Journalists in Kisumu.

But Police boss, Leornard Katana, says his team is working on the case and that the suspect could be apprehended soon.

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The Kisumu governor challenged online users, especially those using WhatsApp, to use the devices cautiously and with respect and candour.

“I wonder if some people sleep. It is midnight and when you open your phone, you hear pop-up messages all over WhatsApp,’’ he said.

Anyang Nyong’o [Photo: Denish Ochieng]

The governor said in as much as social media was a good social interactive platform, people should not use it to abuse or insult each other.

“We need to use the devices responsibly in a humane manner. We need to share good ideas and not only assaults or sexual explorations,” advised the governor.

Nyong’o is however not the ?rst politician to get bullied by horny slay queens. Early this year, several Members of Parliament revealed that they received several pictures of sexy girls in their phones from a woman who wanted an intimate relationship with them.

Minority Whip Junet Mohammed lamented that the criminals had found their phone numbers and were using them to send naked pictures. “Yes, some are so shocking and I keep on deleting. I wonder who that woman is, but she is crazy. Some of them you may not even stand watching them with naked eyes, as they show parts of human anatomy that are disturbing,” he said.

Majority Leader Aden Duale echoed his sentiments by revealing how a woman had mobilised numbers of male legislators, infiltrated their phones and was sexting her wares like a virus through the August house.

“I am told she lives somewhere in Dandora. She sends us obscene pictures that can be very embarrassing,” Duale said.

Aden Duale [Photo: Boniface Okendo]

Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa also shared his plight saying that he was afraid to use his phone in front of his family and that if she was not stopped, his marriage would suffer.

“Just recently, the same lady sent me something and I tried to open it. The sounds that came out of it made it difficult to speak in my house. This matter is breaking families,” said Wamalwa.

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed said he cannot leave his phone with his child to play games because he was afraid nude pictures would pop up.

“Some of the pictures I have here are parts of a naked human being, if I show you, you cannot even look with your eyes (sic).

A situation arises where I am at home and I give my son a phone to play games on the phone and the messages start coming,” he said.

But if it is any solace, politicians themselves have also starred in nude pictures doing the rounds on WhatsApp.

Two years ago, pictures of former Nairobi women’s representative Rachel Shebesh stark naked, with current Nairobi governor were released online.

Rachel Shebesh [Photo: Wilberforce Okwiri]

In one photo, she was seen gleefully sucking Sonko’s member. When reached for comment, Nairobi senator Mike Sonko refused to talk about the pictures, asking journalists to focus on his development record, but not his personal choices in life.

“I don’t know anything about the pictures and they are a total fabrication. I have no links at all with the pictures, but as a man, you must have a defence. In anything you do, you must have a defence.”

Embattled Migori governor Okoth Obado also had his share of the nude pictures menace. His naked pictures were also released last year, just before elections.

The embarrassing pictures featured the governor, naked, sitting on a bed with a red duvet. Early this year, Wazir Chacha.

Wazir Chacha [Photo: Courtesy]

The 25-year-old former employee of the ministry of Devolution grabbed the attention of Kenyans when he released intimate photos of him with former Bomet Woman Representative Dr Cecilia Ng’etich, claiming she had used and dumped him.

Ng’etich, however, denied having had any romantic relationship with Chacha.

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