Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kenya has a corrupt political and economical system that needs change

Kenya has a corrupt political and economical system that needs change
Kenya has a corrupt political and economical system that needs changeDISCOVER. ENGAGE. SUCCEED: I want to draw your attention to something very important happening right now. I will go straight to it.

“It’s not what we say or think but what we do that defines us.” – Jane Austin.
We have a corrupt political and economical system that needs a major change.

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Where is the disgust? Where is the outcry when it’s needed?

In my book, Broken Justice: When Lawless Gangs Capture The State, I raise several
questions, asking members of my native country of Kenya to rethink our focus and our
current direction. This is a question for any community in the world today that is riddled
with corruption and bad governance.


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As Jane Austin proclaimed over 200 years ago, it is our actions – not our words – that
define us. As a community, we are being defined by the actions we are taking right now
at a time when our nation is knee-deep in corruption.

As one person put it, we might have succeeded in fighting some of our outside enemies,
but we have been extremely inefficient in fighting the enemies within.

As a community, we ought to realize that our homeland is in danger of losing its place of
leadership in the region and throughout the world.

We all acknowledge that corruption casts a deep, dark shadow in our nation, because
when citizens perceive that the leaders are corrupt but get away with crimes that should
be punished, then there is no incentive among the citizens to police themselves or even
act differently.

Here is the problem:

When plunder by a small, powerful group of people becomes a way of life in a society,
over the course of time, they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and
an immoral code that glorifies it.

Here is my question:

Why does the public refuse to show disgust?

Why does the public accept these diabolical ideas and self-serving behaviour as
something normal instead of outrightly rejecting them?

Many people living in such communities have grown comfortable with the idea that this
is as good as it gets.


I was reminded of people living in the communities I describe above and their failure to
show disgust when it’s warranted, when I read the article below, which was emailed to
me from my local school district. It had been sent out to parents to keep them abreast of
the actions their children had taken at school that day.

“Today, international strikes and protests led by young people and adults took place
demanding action be taken to address climate change.  Many students within our
District are choosing to also take part in these walk-outs.

Students always have the right to peacefully protest, and the District applauds their
engagement in social action and honors their right to free speech.

When a collective group, like our student body, takes interest in national topics to help
make a difference in the world, we support them and want to work with them to do so in
a positive and meaningful manner. School is a great place for our students to learn
about proper civil discourse, and our teachers are poised to be mentors on these


Perhaps before I go on, we ought to remind ourselves that learning is vital for any
success. When people learn new positive ideas, they get empowered. And when they
implement the new positive ideas, they succeed – or at least they have a chance to
succeed. But, without learning any new positive ideas, there can be no success. When
that happens, lack of progress in the things that improve the quality of life becomes the
order of the day.

As per the brief article cited, school is a great place for our students to learn. And this
learning includes having an interest in national topics that shapes the future of a country
and improvement of the quality of life of its people. In addition, the learning process of
these students includes support and mentorship by their teachers and caretakers. As
you can see, the engagement is not limited to the local affairs only, it can be extended
to other regions and also globally, as needed.

After reading this brief article, I asked myself, what are schools in the communities that I
address in my book, Broken Justice, teaching our children? And is it okay for them to
teach them what they are teaching them?

From my own experience and after talking to many of the people living in these
communities, I discern that our lack of action towards the ills facing our communities
has a lot to do with the same influence our kids are being exposed to currently at school
each day. And this is very dangerous if you ask me. This is why:

These kids are being taught to accept the idea that the life they are currently exposed to
is the best there is. This is the life that their parents and caretakers have already
accepted. And now the same narrative is being passed on to their children.

The current school environment is not giving our children the flamework that can help
them to positively impact the structures of our nation. Instead, it is molding them to
accept and emulate the diabolical ideas of our leaders. This, of course, is being
reinforced by the actions of their parents and caretakers who allow the negative
circumstances to go on, because they cannot summon courage to say enough is
enough to their leaders and demand accountability.

What does this do to our county?

What we see today (corrupt political and economic system) is adopted by successive

I really hope that you see value in what I am revealing.

Together, you and I can advance to the front line, defending and advancing the right
and correct ideas that will positively impact our children and the future of our country.

There’s so much work to be done, so let’s make use of the little time we have.

Remember the admonition:

Redeem time because the days are evil.

Let’s use the time we have wisely.

Joe Mungai


Joe K. Mungai is life skills & spiritual guidance coach, an author of three books including BROKEN JUSTICE: WHEN LAWLESS GANGS CAPTURE THE STATE.

Visit his website at

 here are the links




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Kenya has a corrupt political and economical system that needs change



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