Friday, July 26, 2024

Did Raila Pull a Jowie during Moi’s funeral or release was a coincidence?

Did Raila Pull a Jowie during Moi’s funeral or release was a coincidence?

Did Raila Pull a Jowie during Moi's funeral or release was a coincidence?Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Friday, February 14, 2020, joked about the release of Joseph Irungu alias Jowie.

Speaking in Maranda High school during the school’s 100th-anniversary celebrations, Odinga made a light moment out of Irungu’s release in relation to what netizens were saying.

The release on bail coincided with the former Prime Minister’s chant ‘Jowi Jowi Jowi’ during the burial ceremony of the late former President Daniel Moi.

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Raila, however, denied having any involvement in Jowie’s release and dismissed the occurrences as a mere coincidence.

Kenyans online were quick to notice the coincidence and had a lot to say about the two incidents.

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Daniel Motari – Jowie is finally a free man after Raila sang about him yesterday in Moi’s funeral.

Georgie – Raila shouted Jow 3 x yesterday and today the boy child Jowie Irungu is out!!!!!sisemi kitu.

YouTube video

Abukuse Mike – Joseph Irungu AKA Jowie finally released on Sh2m cash bail, Nairobi court orders him not to comment on Monica Kimani’s murder case. Raila Pulled a Jowie during Moi’s funeral.

Thomas – Raila is a true enigma. His Yesterday’s chants at President Moi’s burial ceremony Jowi… Jowi…Jowi… has worked wonders. Jowie Irungu has finally been freed from prison on a cash bail.

Hizel Mutahi – Joseph Irungu aka Jowie released on KSh 2m cash bail. Justice Wakiaga says there’s no reason to still keep him in custody…. So Raila Odinga called Jowi thrice warranting his release enyewe Baba ni Baba kweli.

Arthur Mbugua – Just yesterday, when I heard Raila chanting Jowi, Jowi, Jowi it never crossed my mind that he could have been referring to Jowie Irungu’s cash bail.

By Babu Tendu

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