Monday, February 17, 2025

How to Stay Sound during Covid-19 By George Wachiuri

How to Stay Sound during Covid-19 By George Wachiuri

How to Stay Sound during Covid-19 By George WachiuriThis is one uncommon time when human spirits are at their lowest. Negative news are bombarding us from all over the world and from almost all sources. Honestly, getting exposed to all these news in a span of a day can become poisonous enough. One must take a personal decision on what to read, what to listen to and what to watch.

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These are the three (3) tips to keep you sound during this season of crisis.

1. Trust in your Maker:

This is the time to reflect, to read the word of God, to pray for yourself, family, country and the world. We recently saw the US President saying a prayer for his people during this pandemic. This is just the right time to make your way right with God.

2. Do something worthwhile:

Most people have been isolated in their homes. No one knows when this isolation will end. This is the time to rise up early, plan what to do, enjoy the sunshine, exercise and just do stuff. You can even learn a new skill such as baking, a new ways of cooking or even food presentation to the family. Ensure you make your home to be habitable; say coming up with a new arrangement of seats, changing seat covers etc. These small things will also make a whole difference. I have personally been blogging like never before. See my latest blogs I have also been raising cash online from friends to support less fortunate and most affected families (

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3. Be Philanthropic:

This is the best time to encourage people. Call someone who does not expect your call. It is the time to share what you have. I have personally donated all my printed 4, 000 inspiration books for sale where 100% now goes to Covid-19 affected less privileged families. View more here:

I wish all the readers of this article safety, success and better life after Covid-19 season.

The author, is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.

Contact Optiven Group: 0790 300 300
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How to Stay Sound during Covid-19 By George Wachiuri


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