Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kenya, a country of Oxymorons? Time to rethink

Kenya, a country of Oxymorons? Time to rethink

Kenya, a country of Oxymorons? Time to rethink
Kenya, a country of Oxymorons? Time to rethink

A human rights activist died in an abortion attempt a couple of months ago. A pastor was caught pants down in another pastor’s house, with a fellow pastor’s wife. Poor Kenyans are forced to stay home or die of bullets in the name of curfew enforcement, as they watch the enforcers having fun and holding social gatherings all over the country.

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An innocent, helpless Kenyan suspected of stealing eggs may rot in jail while an elite witnessed attempting murder buys his way to freedom and silences all witnesses. Indeed, justice is our shield and defender! The opposition in government sees and condemns corruption and injustice when it is not part of the equation, but becomes totally blind when invited to dine with the subject of their condemnation; the taste of corruption sanitizes all evil and injustice becomes the new norm.

During my schooling days, the national anthem was played every Monday and Friday morning and evening; and during very important events or even sports. Not only was this great, but also ignited patriotism as far as that was concerned.  Is this all that pertains to a national anthem? Were the words meant to be recited and left at that? It will be surprising if that’s what the author had in mind. Just like the flag reminds us of our struggles, being and rich heritage, the anthem should unite us and guide our value systems. If only we lived the words of our national anthem, Kenya would be greater than it is today.

Yes, there is plenty within our borders to take pride in, needless to say. Justice however has never been our shield, not to mention defender. The price of justice is too high for a common citizen to afford. Unity is only mentioned in tribal lines. From the Mulembe nation to the GEMA community, we forget that our tribe was meant to be one – tribe Kenya, and our language –peace.   Is there anyone arising with strength and truth to defend the glory of Kenya? Well, we are allergic to naked truth, the story of Miguna Miguna sums it all up. Those who dare to stand get their feet slashed off.

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Truth be told, we are not building our nation together. Neither are our hearts filled with thanksgiving.  Most of us are just moving along. Take bribes to vote, sit down and complain how things are not working as they should as we wait for another bribe to vote.

The saddest part? We give our votes to those who did nothing to complete what they “had started.” We condemn corruption with vehemence but dash out brown envelopes to secure jobs we are not qualified for. We are quick to notice high profile betrayal but close our eyes when the helpless are being oppressed. We are ungrateful to God who has blessed our land and nation.

The best and only place to start is where we are. We individually make the whole nation and it has to start with us.  Let’s say no to hypocrisy of any manner, the proverbial drinking wine and preaching water.

Let our yesses be yes and no, No. Let’s put an end to double standards. We are either living our anthem or not, there is no and should be no in-between. It starts with me. It starts with you, at home, in the neighborhood, work place and before you know it, the whole nation will be transformed.

Impossible is Nothing!

By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger contributor


VIDEO: National Caucus of Luo Youth opposes boycott calls by Nasa

Kenya, a country of Oxymorons? Time to rethink


  1. Elizabeth, that which you wrote is true and will remain true. The best thing about truth, it stands the test of times and, in this case, you articulated it with finesse! Keep writing, we will keep reading.

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