Saturday, February 22, 2025

Forget BBI: William Ruto Should Propose a Christian Referendum

Forget BBI: William Ruto Should Propose a Christian Referendum

Forget BBI: William Ruto Should Propose a Christian ReferendumKenyan members of parliament do nothing, but pay themselves a good corrupt package. The MPs passed for themselves a package amounting to 1.5 million Kenya shillings per month per person and there are 350 of them. The senators give themselves the same package and more and they are 47 of them. Then we have 47 governors who also get a package of 1.5 Million a month each. Each county has MCAs to a total of 349 who also get paid for doing nothing, 500,000 Kenya shillings (inclusive of the allowances). Do the math? This amounts to around 803,500,000 million Kenya shillings a month.

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Kenyan moral virtue now, is getting paid for doing nothing like the MPs, senators, the governors and MCAs. Kenyan government workers use every opportunity to also get their share like the elected leaders. Every Kenyan waits to get his or her share of their country wealth. Therefore they justify their stealing as a moral responsibility because the country belongs to them just like the elected officials and government workers. Stealing now is justified, changing the definition of wrong into a virtue that advances people’s moral decay.

Historically, it is not just the wealth of the country that is looted. These thugs take every penny that is given to Kenya from anywhere in the world. The whole of Africa suffers from this philosophy of ‘money for nothing and chicks for free’. How many Africa AID concerts have there been? From the WE ARE THE WORLD concert to support victims of draught to the millions raised to support HIVAIDs, millions have been given to Africa with nothing to show for it. The European Union, American government, and others give out money that never arrives to the projects for which it is given.

It goes to government officials and elected leaders. They fill the bars and go to intercontinental hotel to enjoy money for nothing and chicks for free: To celebrate cars, refrigerators, flat screen TVs, and microwave ovens, and women. Which Koinange Street woman would not want to sleep with someone who is driving a Range Rover Vogue?

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Willian Ruto should not just oppose the BBI (Beba Baba Ikuru) initiative. He should, as a Christian aim for greater political philosophy, which reflects his genuine faith in Jesus Christ. His philosophy should reflect biblical theology, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27.

He should have his own referendum for 2022. In this, he proposes to reduce constituencies in half, reduce senate seats in half, slash governors in half and remove half of the MCAs. Keep the devolution without the busy bodies doing nothing. Then let the savings (400,000,000 million) from this go to all the women groups in Kenya monthly. These women know which school need repair, and they understand the luck of water. They know which family needs bursary. They work with churches to care for all those in need. They are in weddings, funerals and their fellowship offers psychological support to the community and their families. They already have a proven record as effective contributors and managers of their little money.

Let the CDF money (30 Million per constituency) go to youth SACCOs for self-development projects instead of the leaders who are but vultures. Let the project proposals from each of the women groups and SACCOs be overseen by a commission of 7 members elected by the president. That is more Christian than the Reggae referendum!

This is the kind of devolution that will ensure that the villager is taken care of. Which one of us is not aware of the village women groups? My mother was a member of one of these. They raised money, bought cups, blankets, spoons, and other needs according to each. They made sure weddings were well orchestrated and organized. They not only play host in weddings and funerals, but also raise their children who then become professors. These are excellent leaders who should be part of the devolution, and it solves the gender issue!

The money would stop being for self enrichment projects, and would guarantee that schools have windows, doors, and ceilings to curb the noise during rainy season, toilets that have running water, and have some extra money to provide nutritious lunch to children who come from poor homes. Each women group would supervise their own village projects to guarantee it is done. This is the right referendum, which would be supported by every women and young person in Kenya: and it serves the least of these!

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD)

HTBluff associates

Diaspora messenger senior columnist

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Forget BBI: William Ruto Should Propose a Christian Referendum



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