Life and the Olympics: Success of Others is Indicator You can Succeed Too
The Olympic games are here and nations with different sporting activities are represented. Regardless of the many competitors, every sportsperson has his/her eye on the medal. They all have to stay focused on their end goal, winning. An athlete will lose it big time if instead of running he stops admiring the prowess of a gymnast or starts wishing he could have the skill of a swimmer. By the time he finishes comparing and contrasting his skill to that of others, the winners will be taking their medals home.
In the same line, life has given us different paths that we must walk to get to our intended destinations. Those who focus on the paths of others instead of walking their own keep bumping onto those moving in the opposite direction and seldom get to their destination. Some paths look smooth while others are rugged, but even if a potholed road is what takes you home, that’s the way to go. No one decides to forever ride on the highway because the road leading home is muddy. Instead, they find a way of meandering about until they get home.
Comparing your journey or self to others makes you lose focus. You start wishing you could be like person X or delivered as person Y and so forth. In the end, you have no time to work on yourself or goals, while others are moving on. Jealousy and envy slowly creep in because you think you deserve the results person Z is getting, looking for excuses as to why you are not like them. In the end, you bury your dreams and start wondering why things never work out for you.
It doesn’t matter how rugged or long your path looks like, carry on. Are you a swimmer? Keep swimming and stop comparing your huddle with that of a skater. Let the runners run and the spectators cheer. Stop comparing yourself and your journey to that of others, instead, be inspired to keep your dreams alive and do more. The success of others should only be an indicator that you can succeed too, not a ground for comparison. If they can make it at their art, you can perfect yours too. Impossible is Nothing!
By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger contributor
Life and the Olympics: Success of Others is Indicator You can Succeed Too