Monday, March 3, 2025

Four Passions for Success: Passionate People Anticipate Great Things

Four Passions for Success: Passionate People Anticipate Great Things
Four Passions for Success: Passionate People Anticipate Great Things

It is said that passion is only ingredient that enables you to do what you love to do excellently. Over and over it has been proven that little if nothing, you can achieve if passion is not a part of what you do. So where can we apply and embrace passion in our daily lives?

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Passion for People
Start by being excited about working with others. Passion has been found to be contagious just like the reaction of a chemical mixed in water experiments. For passionate people, they are known to anticipate great things which often end up happening. After all nothing great has been achieved in the world without passion.
Passion also increases accountability among the stakeholders.

Passion for Customers
To show passion for customers, it is important to show friendliness to the customers. This can be done by showing an interest and exuding a personal attitude towards the customer. The need to have a heart bit for service comes in here. In hospitality, for example it has been found that a majority of customers continue to visit a certain outlet not because of the food but because of the service. This service is driven by the passion of the service giver. A key note is to remember not to be mechanical but be present in body and soul. This means there is need to be both energetic and continue to embrace enthusiasm in all you do.

How can we demonstrate the passion?

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  • Track what the customer thinks of you.
  • Go beyond WhatsApp and email messages but instead – talk to your customer.
  • Be honest and avoid over promising
  • Personalize your communication with your customers by calling them out by name and provide extra value
  • Respond to every customer’s feedback

Passion of Results

  • Raise the bar and deliver
  • Stretch your goals by delivering more than is requested
  • Celebrate achievements to motivate yourself
  • Continually challenge yourself to go an extra mile which has no bump
  • Keep track of your performance.

George Wachiuri  is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.

Contact Optiven Group
Tel: 0723 400 500 | 0790 300 300

Four Passions for Success: Passionate People Anticipate Great Things

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