Friday, March 14, 2025

Problems Are Possibilities: Closed Road Is Not End of A Journey

Problems Are Possibilities: Closed Road Is Not End of A Journey
Problems Are Possibilities: Closed Road Is Not End of A Journey

A joke went around of a boxer who did exceptionally well and when asked how he managed, he said “I kept recalling the problems in my country and converted the anger into blows.” His country really drove him mad. Another successful man from a very poor background said that his contempt for poverty made him work hard to never go back into poverty again.

The present world is a tough one.  Unending stories of people committing suicide, sinking into depression, and social withdrawal. Of the many stressors that the environment brings, the problem is not in encountering them but in being overcome by them. Behind the numerous success stories we marvel at, are countless rejections and obstacles.

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In the words of Ryan Holiday, the obstacle is the way. The solution is in the problem.  In the challenges we face lie our greatest achievements. In encountering and dealing with difficult people, we learn how to be empathetic towards others. By being victims of oppression, we detest it and speak out for the oppressed. The injustices we face give us a clue on what goes on around us, and answers on how things can be made better.

It could be a toxic working environment or lack of belief in your dreams; use it to your advantage. Do not quit because of unfavorable circumstances.  Don’t quit because no one believes in your idea. Keep dreaming, keep moving. A closed road doesn’t mean the end of the journey, but an opportunity to learn another route. Let the obstacles ignite positive energies and possible solutions. There is no learning in giving up, neither is there winning.

Problems expand our thinking, magnify our dreams and widen our vision for the future we want. The focus however should not be on the problems or circumstances we face, but on the possibilities they bring. Focusing on your desired outcomes will yield better results than lamenting your setbacks.  No matter how burdensome your situation seems, intentionally turn it around for your good.  You can rise and soar beyond the impossible, because, Impossible is Nothing!

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By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor

Elizabeth is the author of Imagine the  world and create it, a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring it to pass.

Readers abroad can get an e-copy..@ 6.oo USD,click here to get a copy- within Kenya can  make their order and  will deliver. send order email to

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Problems Are Possibilities: Closed Road Is Not End of A Journey


  1. Elizabeth writes with passion and clarity. Her simple narrative makes one join her as she writes about issues that face us daily. You can feel in her choice of words that she means what she writes and is praying that her article becomes a blessing for the reader. She is one inspiring writer and I am glad she writes for diaspora messenger.

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