Friday, October 4, 2024

Black and White Sermon: Finding Clarity in Uncertain Times

Black and White Sermon: Finding Clarity in Uncertain Times
Black and White Sermon: Finding Clarity in Uncertain Times

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 30:21 – “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, โ€˜This is the way, walk in it,โ€™ Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”


In late 2001, my wife and I were faced with a major decision. We had two lucrative job offersโ€”one from CITAM Valley Road, a well-known ministry in Nairobi, and another from Brookhouse Karen Campus, a prestigious international school. At the same time, there was a strong call on our hearts to plant a church in Botswana. However, there was no mission organization to send us, and no financial backing to support this ventureโ€”just a deep sense that God was calling us to step out in faith.

In our confusion, my wife Carole Kariuki prayed a simple yet profound prayer: “Lord, speak to us in black and white. Let your guidance be so clear that we cannot miss it.” This prayer became a turning point, and God answered in a way that was so evident, it was as though He spoke to us in black and white.

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Today, I want to share how God gave us undeniable clarity in a time of uncertainty, and how He continues to lead His people when they seek Him with all their hearts.

A Divine Encounter:

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After praying, we decided to visit both organizations. We first stopped at Brookhouse Karen Campus, where my wife requested more time to make a final decision. Then, as we made our way to CITAM Valley Road, she suggested we make a quick detour to Engen Headquarters to collect a cheque for a branding project she had completed. I waited in the car, but when she took longer than expected, I decided to go inside.

I found a receptionist who told me my wife was in the accounts department. Then, out of nowhere, this receptionistโ€”a stranger to meโ€”began to talk about faith and how important it is to take steps of faith. She showed me a book she was reading “Thresholds of Faith. She mentioned how her brother had been wrestling with a decision to accept a job in South Africa, and when he finally stepped out in faith, he experienced breakthroughs he hadnโ€™t anticipated.

I was amazed. This woman had no idea about the decision we were struggling with, yet her words spoke directly to our situation. When my wife returned, I asked the receptionist to repeat what she had shared, and we both knew instantlyโ€”God was speaking to us in black and white! With that confirmation, we went to CITAM Valley Road and declined their offer. Later, my wife also declined the offer from Brookhouse Karen Campus. We decided to step out in faith and follow Godโ€™s call to Botswana, even though it meant walking into the unknown.

Faith in Action, God in Motion:

As we embarked on this journey, I was reminded of a motto from African Bible College where I studied: โ€œFaith in Action, God in Motion.โ€ When we take a step of faith, even without all the answers, God begins to move in ways we could never imagine. In our journey to Botswana, God provided everything we neededโ€”people, resources, and favorโ€”confirming that we had heard His voice correctly.

Isaiah 30:21 captures this perfectly: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, โ€˜This is the way, walk in it,โ€™ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” I declare over your life today that any place where you are seeking direction, you will hear God’s voice with divine clarity, and He will guide you in the way you should go.

Nuggets on Divine Clarity, Faith, Obedience, and Sacrifice:

1. Divine Clarity is Often Accompanied by Peace:
When God speaks, He brings a deep sense of peace, even when the path ahead is unclear. His voice will never lead you into confusion or fear. If youโ€™re struggling with a decision, wait for that peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7), for that is a sign that God is leading you.

2. Faith Begins with Obedience:
Faith is not about having all the answers, but about obeying what God has already spoken. As Abraham obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going (Hebrews 11:8), so too must we take steps of faith even when the future is uncertain.

3. Obedience Opens the Door to Provision:
Godโ€™s provision follows our obedience. When we made the decision to go to Botswana, we had no financial backing, but God provided everything we needed along the way. When we act on His word, He is faithful to provide for every need (Philippians 4:19).

4. Sacrifice Leads to Greater Reward:
Following Godโ€™s call often requires sacrificeโ€”whether it’s leaving behind opportunities, comforts, or security. But every sacrifice made in obedience to God leads to a far greater reward. As Jesus said, โ€œEveryone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal lifeโ€ (Matthew 19:29).

Another Black and White Moment:

When my wife was pregnant with our daughter Katrinika, we faced another challenging decision. The doctors recommended an amniocentesis test to check for Downs Syndrome, but the procedure carried a risk of preterm labor. We were torn. Once again, we prayed for God to speak to us in black and white.

Later that day, a couple we knew came to visit. As we shared our situation, the wifeโ€”who was a white Americanโ€”mentioned that she had faced the same decision during her last pregnancy and chose not to take the test. Her husband, a black Kenyan, agreed. We realized that God was speaking to us clearly once again, in black and white! We chose to trust God, and our daughter was born healthy. Katrinika Kariuki is doing exploits for Lord in Australasia.

Prophetic Declarations for October โ€“ Your Month of Black and White:

I decree that October is your month of divine clarity. Just as God spoke to us unmistakably, He will speak clearly and concisely into your life this month. You will not walk in confusion or indecision, but in the full assurance that God is leading you.

I declare Jeremiah 6:16 over you: โ€œStand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.โ€ This October, as you seek Godโ€™s direction, may He reveal the ancient pathsโ€”the ways of wisdomโ€”and lead you to a place of rest.

I speak Psalms 32:8 over your life: โ€œI will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.โ€ May Godโ€™s loving eye guide you through every decision, and may you receive divine counsel in every area of your life.

I decree that every act of faith, every step of obedience, and every sacrifice you make will open doors to new opportunities, breakthroughs, and provisions. As you walk by faith this October, may you experience the fullness of Godโ€™s promises, and may your testimony be that God spoke to you clearlyโ€”in black and white!

Closing Testimony:

I shared this sermon at Glory Word Ministries in Randburg, courtesy of Apostle Samson Sule. His wife Susan Onjefu Sule testified that it was exactly where they were in their personal life and ministry. It was a confirmation that God still speaks clearly and directs His people with undeniable clarity. In black and white!

I decree over you today: October is your month of black and white. May you hear Godโ€™s voice with clarity and confidence in every decision. May this be a month of open doors, divine direction, and supernatural breakthroughs in your life. Amen!

By Apostle Symon Kariuki

Black and White Sermon: Finding Clarity in Uncertain Times

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