Thursday, October 17, 2024

Cease And Desist Order From God Almighty

Cease And Desist Order From God Almighty
Cease And Desist Order From God Almighty

THE WORD:ย ย โ€œThere remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into His rest, he also hasย ceased from his own works, as God did from His.โ€ย ย Hebrews 4:9-10

THE POINT:ย ย For many, the Christian life can be very demanding, overwhelming and discouraging.

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Some Christians talk about being tired or lacking energy. Mental, emotional exhaustion is rampant.

Toilsome fleshly human effort to please God, serve God or just achieve oneโ€™s daily obligations can be exhausting. What is needed is restโ€”deep down soul rest. Could this describe you? If so, then letโ€™s find out how you can obtain such soul rest.

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We find the answer in Hebrews 4:9-10. In these Scriptures we are essentially given a โ€œcease and desistโ€ order from God Almighty.

He is telling us what is necessary in order to experience His restful, peaceful, enjoyable life. It is really quite simple: cease and desist! In other words, stop and donโ€™t do it again.

But stop what? You need to stop trying to live your way in reliance upon your human strengths and abilities. You must cease going your way and doing your thing.

Only as you cease and desist can you experience Godโ€™s rest. Godโ€™s kind of restโ€”soul restโ€”is the heritage of every child of God.

Jesus made this life of rest available to us through His finished work upon the cross. When you cease from your human efforts, the Lordโ€™s power will be released through you.ย  And then, you can find rest unto your soul!

THE APPLICATION:ย ย If you want to experience Godโ€™s rest, you must stop struggling and striving with your human abilities to get the job done. Human effort can never result in true rest, only exhaustion and frustration.

Thus, we are told in Hebrews 4:10 that in order to enter Godโ€™s rest, you first need to cease from all of your fleshly human efforts.

Quit striving in the energy of your flesh. Stop working hard in reliance upon your human strengths and abilities.

Jesus offers an amazing invitation in Matthew 11:28. He says, โ€œComeย  unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.โ€ Coming to Jesus means that you must first cease going your own way and doing your own thing.

Therefore, just give up trying in your human strength to live life or please God. Then give yourself completely to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to empower you for living.

Trust Him to live His life through you. Allow Him to have His way with you. The Spirit of the Lord will accomplish His good and perfect work through you. As you do this, you will enjoy perpetual rest unto your soul!

THE PRAYER:ย โ€œLord Jesus, I am tired of all my futile human attempts to live for You. No matter how much I do for You, it is never good enough. I have tried so hard to be like You, but I have failed. Therefore, I give up. I cease from all my fleshly human efforts to serve You. I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit and do Your work through me. Thank You for the privilege of resting in You as You do the work!โ€

Byย Dr.ย Lewisย Gregory/


Cease And Desist Order From God Almighty

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