Friday, February 14, 2025

God’s Way Through: Embracing God’s Reproof for Personal Growth

God's Way Through: Embracing God's Reproof for Personal Growth
God’s Way Through: Embracing God’s Reproof for Personal Growth

THE WORD: “Turn you at My reproof: behold, I will pour out My Spirit unto you, I will make known My words unto you.”  Proverbs 1:23

THE POINT:  Reproof can be a good thing, especially if it comes from the Lord. He is the gentle Shepherd who is committed to leading you in the path of righteousness. He wants the best for you; His way is always the best! The Lord God Almighty wants to enable you to go the right way and do the right thing. He lovingly reproves you in order that you might make a turn for the better.

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When God tells you to turn, He is actually calling you to repent. Repentance involves a change of thinking that results in a change of actions. Therefore, you must repent by turning from your old ways, and then turning to the true and living way—the Lord Jesus Christ. As you repent and turn to Him, He will fill you with His Spirit so that you can hear His voice and follow His leading. This is grace from start to finish.

Whenever God says He will do something for us, that is grace. In Proverbs 1:23, God’s grace is expressed by the phrases “I will pour” and “I will make”. These generous offers from the Lord are pure grace. Grace is God offering to meet your needs by doing for you what you cannot do and do not deserve. Here’s how grace works. First the Lord shows you what is wrong, and then He enables you to do what is right. Such is the amazing grace of God lavished upon His most prized creation—you!

THE APPLICATION:  Have you been experiencing God’s reproof? Here are some possible indications of God’s reproof. If what you’ve been doing has not been working out, perhaps you need to make a turn for the better. If the direction you are headed is getting you nowhere, maybe it’s time to change course. If your attempts to change have been to no avail, then something is clearly wrong. Such things may be God’s way of showing you that it’s time for a change.

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But what’s needed is a true and lasting change—the kind of change that only God can provide. This involves a change of thinking, as well as a change of direction. It’s time to repent—admit you’re wrong, stop doing what you’ve been doing, and turn to the Lord. When God shows you something wrong in your life, simply agree with Him—confess it. When God shows you that you’re headed in the wrong direction, simply repent—change directions.

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How is this possible? Simple: stop depending upon yourself, and start depending entirely upon the Lord! You will then find God’s grace available to you. He will empower you every step of the way. Therefore, receive the enabling power of God’s Spirit so you can go where He leads and do what He wants. Now that’s a turn for the better!

THE PRAYER: “Dear God, I realize that I was going in the wrong direction. Thank You for the reproofs of life. You showed me the error of my ways. Therefore, I repent. I turn from my old ways to You, the living way. I ask You to fill me with the Spirit so that I can walk in the right path. Cause me to hear Your words and walk in Your ways.”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory: Diaspora Messenger Contributor/

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God’s Way Through: Embracing God’s Reproof for Personal Growth

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