THE WORD: “For the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God.” James 1:20
THE POINT: “That really burns me up! What they did makes me feel furious!” You might feel that way after being wronged by someone, but becoming angry, mad and full of wrath won’t solve anything. The harsh, cruel, unkind, dishonest, and deceitful things people say or do to us can be very disturbing.
While these things may become a source of irritation, the typical human response of anger, wrath and rage are certainly no solution. Such carnal responses are only going to exacerbate the problem. They may even escalate the conflict. Furthermore, it can cause their problems to become your problems, because of your fleshly attitudes and actions.
These works of the flesh just don’t work. Wrath is actually an advanced stage of anger that has festered to the point that it has become vengeful and retaliatory. Even if being angry does provide some sense of satisfaction, it can never heal the emotional pain and heartache that has been caused.
THE APPLICATION: The wrath of man will not solve anything. It is just another of Satan’s ugly tools to keep you in turmoil. Whenever anger, wrath or any other kind of hostility occurs in your life, you can be assured that Satan is the instigator.
Don’t play into Satan’s hands. Don’t allow yourself to stoop to Satan’s carnal tactics of anger and wrath. Reject those fleshly human responses that do not work. Let God show you the right way. Allow Him to have His way with you so that He can cause you to respond correctly.
That’s what God’s grace is all about! The Lord’s righteous response in you will always accomplish His righteous purposes through you. And that’s what works! It works for me, how about you?
THE PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, sometimes I am tempted to become angry, or actually even get angry. I understand that human wrath is not a solution.
I repent of my human responses of anger, rage and wrath. I reject them in Jesus name. I trust You to cause me to respond the right way—in true righteousness. Thank You for the grace to accomplish Your righteous purposes regardless of what happens.”
By Dr. Lewis Gregory: Diaspora Messenger Contributor/sourceministries.net/go/
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