Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ethiopian plane crash could be largest non-war aviation reinsurance claim

Ethiopian plane

Liability claims related to the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the grounding of Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft could be the largest non-war aviation reinsurance claim on record, hitting reinsurersโ€™ profitability, reinsurance broker Willis Re said.The crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302 on March 10 killed 157 passengers and crew, the second deadly crash involving a Boeing Co 737 MAX 8 airliner in five months.As the crash site and black boxes are investigated, the 737 MAX 8 has been grounded worldwide as a precautionary measure and regulators are stepping up action to improve air safety while Boeing is carrying out a software upgrade to the planeโ€™s automated flight control system.

Liability claims for the passengersโ€™ loss of life and in relation to the grounded aircraft could total around a billion dollars, James Vickers, chairman of Willis Re International, told Reuters by phone, a large sum for the aviation reinsurance market which Vickers said was โ€œvery small and very, very specialistโ€.Reinsurers help insurers share the cost of large claims, in return for part of the premium.The losses could erode three to four years of aviation reinsurersโ€™ premium in the โ€œglobal excess of lossโ€ category of reinsurance, Willis Re said on Monday in its summary of reinsurance activity at the key April 1 renewal date.In excess of loss reinsurance, the insurers are on the hook for the first part of the claim, and reinsurers only pay out on claims above a certain level.The worldโ€™s biggest reinsurers include European firms Munich Re, Swiss Re and Hannover Re, U.S. billionaire global investor Warren Buffettโ€™s Berkshire Hathaway and companies operating in the Lloydโ€™s of London market.

British insurer Global Aerospace led a consortium of insurers and reinsurers providing cover for Boeing.


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