Saturday, September 7, 2024

Daring Matatu Driver Speeds Off With Police Officer Hanging on Door(VIDEO)

Daring Matatu Driver Speeds Off With Police Officer Hanging on Door(VIDEO)
On Thursday afternoon, March 5, a matatu driver was caught on camera speeding offย withย a traffic police officer dangling on the door along the Eldoret-Malaba Road.

The incident occurred after the officer pulled over the matatuย under the 2NK Saccoย andย the twoย got into a heated argument.

“I was travelling from Eldoret to Lumakanda when the driver asked the conductor for Ksh50. The conductor said he did not have the amount he was being asked for.

“The traffic officer asked the front seat passenger to alight and asked to speak to the driver. The two did not agree and the driver started driving,” a passenger in the vehicle toldย

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Traffic Police at Nyayo Stadium Round About , Nairobi. Monday, November 14, 2019
Traffic Police at Nyayo Stadium Round About, Nairobi. Monday, November 14, 2019

Moments later, the driver decides to step on the accelerator as the policeman holds on to the open driver-side door to prevent himself from being injured.

Passengers shout down the driver who stops the vehicle a couple of times with the officer still maintiang his precarious grip on the door until the drama eventually comes to an end.

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“The driver recklessly drove off.ย He stopped like thrice for the cop to alight,” the passenger narrated.

Meanwhile, in anย undated video that has been making rounds on social media, a traffic police officer was caught on camera undressing a driver in an attempt to arrest him.

In the video, the driver is seen trying to use the passenger’s door to evade arrest while the officer pullsย him back by his trousers.

The struggle between the two resulted in the driver’s pants being pulled down.

Embarrassed by the happenings, the driver hit the officer’s hand which forced him to release him.

Below areย the two videos;



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